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I'm an analyst at a hedge fund with almost 10 years experience. I think what you are doing is very smart, and it's a way to cut through the noise and give the individual investor a pool of good ideas that has already been given a once over by the best investors.

Mike A., Analyst, Leading $1.3 billion biotech hedge fund

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The world's best billionaire investors have amassed tremendous wealth by going for big gains, year-in and year-out. See the difference investing like a billionaire can make.

Initial Investment: $20,000

Portfolio Lifetime: 20 years

Average Return: 40 %

Your could earn $16,640,432 more over the lifetime of your portfolio.

S&P 500
Investing Like a Billionaire
The Long Run Return of the S&P is 8%
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Carl Icahn David Tepper Bill Ackman
Carl Icahn has returned 28% per year for 52 years. David Tepper has returned 40% per year for 20 years. Bill Ackman has returned 31% per year for 10 years.

"Even if you don't have the bucks....this website lets you follow in the tracks of Carl Icahn and Dan Loeb"

- Mike Hogan, Barron's

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Over *$15 Billion in Market Cap Gains

* We have uncovered stocks for our readers that have grown by more than $15 billion in market capitalization all by simply following the lead of rich influential investors.

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