

At Billionairesportfolio.com we strive to curate the best ideas from the world’s best billionaire investors and hedge funds. Many of the richest investors primarily pursue situations where they believe they can influence change in a company, and subsequently create tremendous value for shareholders.

Below are five stocks owned by billionaire investors, each of which the investor involved has projected to double in price, or better:

1) Hertz (HTZ) – Billionaire Barry Rosenstein, head of the activist hedge fund Jana Partners, recently said at an investing conference that he believes Hertz shares could triple in price. Rosenstein said Hertz could buy back as much as 20 percent of its shares, which would double earnings per share and cause the stock to triple.

2) Monsanto (MON) – Billionaire Larry Robbins of the hedge fund Glenview Capital Management recently said Monsanto could be worth as much as $250 to $300 a share, which would mean a return of 100% to 150% from its share price today.

3) Navistar (NAV) – Billionaire money manager, Mario Gabelli recently said on CNBC that Navistar should double. He expects the truck maker’s business to improve as the economy improves. Billionaire Carl Icahn also owns a huge chunk of Navistar, almost 20% of the company.

4) Nuance (NUAN) – Icahn owns almost 19% of Nuance, and his son Brett Icahn is on the company’s board. The legendary billionaire activist investor tweeted that he believes Nuance, the creator of the Siri voice for Apple, could triple in price.

5) Platform Specialty Products Corporation (PAH) – Billionaire activist hedge fund manager, Bill Ackman, owns more than 22% of Platform Specialty Products – squarely in the driver’s seat. Recently, the CEO of Platform said in an interview that he believes PAH will sell for $200 a share one day. That would be more than a 600% return from its share price today.

BillionairesPortfolio.com helps average investors invest alongside Wall Street billionaires. By selecting the best ideas from the best billionaire investors and hedge funds, our exited stock investment recommendations have averaged a 28% gain since 2012.