Today we want to talk about the quarterly SEC filings that came in over the past several days week.
All big investors that are managing over $100 million are required to publicly disclose their holdings every quarter. They have 45 days from the end of the quarter to file that disclosure with the SEC. It’s called a form13F.
While these filings have become very popular fodder for the media, what we care more about is 13D filings. And of course we have our formula for narrowing down the universe to what we deem to be the best ideas.
For a refresher: The 13D forms are disclosures these big investors have to make within 10 days of taking a controlling stake in a company. When you own 5% or more of a company’s stock, it’s considered a controlling stake. In a publicly traded company, with that sized position, you typically become the largest shareholder and, as we know, with that comes influence. Another key attribute of this 13D filing, for us, is that these investors also have to file amendments to the 13D within 10 days of making any change to their position.
By comparison, the 13F filings only offer value to the extent that there is some skilled analysis applied. Thousands of managers file 13Fs every quarter. And the difference in manager talent, strategies and portfolio sizes run the gamut.
With that caveat, there are nuggets to be found in 13Fs. Let’s talk about how to find them, and the take aways from the recent filings.
First, it’s important to understand that some of the positions in 13F filings can be as old as 135 days. Filings must be made 45 days after the previous quarter ends, which is 90 days. We only look at a tiny percentage of filings—just the investors that we know have long and proven track records, distinct approaches, and who have concentrated portfolios.
Through our research and nearly 40 years of combined experience, here’s what we’ve found to be most predictive:
Clustering in stocks and sectors by good hedge funds is bullish. Situations where good funds are doubling down on stocks are bullish. This all can provide good insight into the mindset of the biggest and best investors in the world, and can be a predictor of trends that have yet to materialize in the market’s eye.
For specialist investors (such as a technology focused hedge fund) we take note when they buy a new technology stock or double down on a technology stock. This is much more predictive than when a generalist investor, as an example, buys a technology stock.
The bigger the position relative to the size of their portfolio, the better. Concentrated positions show conviction. Conviction tends to result in a higher probability of success. Again, in most cases, we will see these first in the 13D filings.
New positions that are of large, but under 5%, are worthy of putting on the watch list. These positions can be an indicator that the investor is building a position that will soon be a “controlling stake.”
Trimming of positions is generally not predictive unless a hedge fund or billionaire cuts a position by 75% or more, or cuts below 5% (which we will see first in 13D filings). Funds also tend to trim losers into the fourth quarter for tax loss benefits, and then they buy them back early the following year.
With that in mind, we want to talk about a few things we did glean from these recent filings.
Apple (AAPL)
This biggest news out of the filings this week was that Warren Buffett initiated a new $1 billion plus stake in Apple. Buffett loves to invest in out-of-favor companies that are depressed in price, with strong brand names, low P/Es and high return on capital. Apple checks the boxes on all of the above.
We think Buffett’s stamp of approval will change the sentiment on Apple, which has had a short-term ebb. Apple shares were up 4% on the news Buffett has entered, the biggest one day move in over two months.
Additionally, billionaire David Einhorn added to his Apple position last quarter. He now has more than 15% of his $5.9 billion hedge fund in Apple.
We’ve talked a lot about oil over the past several months. The oil price bust created a binary trade — either it destroyed the global economic recovery (and likely the global economy) or it bounced back aggressively. Thankfully, it’s done the latter. Billionaire oil trader, Boone Pickens said this week that he thinks oil could trade as high as $60 over the next two months.
In the filings from Q1, top billionaires just like in Q4 were initiating and adding new stakes in energy stocks – building some large, high conviction positions.
As we’ve said, we think oil-energy stocks are the macro trade of the year.
One of most popular growth stocks purchased by top billionaire investors last quarter was Facebook. Another notable tech stock in the cross hairs of influential investors: Yahoo. A couple of top activist investors, a hot macro investor are involved in Yahoo. And news this week that Warren Buffet and billionaire Dan Gilbert could be teaming up to buy parts of Yahoo.
Billionaires Bottom Fishing in Healthcare
Noted contrarian and billionaire John Paulson has doubled down on two beaten down healthcare stocks last quarter, Endo International and Akorn Inc. We think this is an interesting move because Paulson like many of the best billionaire investors have literally made billions from buying when everyone else is selling.
Many other top hedge funds remain heavily invested in healthcare stocks as well, even after their most recent selloff.
Now, a couple of bigger picture views from the filings…
Some of the biggest and best are bullish on stocks. Billionaire David Tepper has 12% of his fund invested in call options on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100. Billionaire global macro trading legend, Louis Bacon, now has more than 7% of his fund in Nasdaq call options. And two other macro investing studs, Paul Tudor Jones and John Burbank have both built big call options on emerging market stocks.
This activity gels nicely with what we’ve been discussing here in our dailynotes. We have a global economic environment that is fueled by central bank support. The risk of the oil price bust has now been removed. And a lot of the economic data is setting up nicely for big positive surprises over the coming months. We think we are in the early stages of seeing a global sentiment shift, away from gloom, and toward optimism. And positive data surprises and changes in sentiment are two very powerful factors in driving markets.
Join us here to get all of our in-depth analysis on the bigger picture, and our carefully curated stock portfolio of the best stocks that are owned by the world’s best investors.
Yesterday, SandRidge Energy was yet another energy company to file for bankruptcy this year. Many hear bankruptcy news and think of failed companies. But in plenty of cases, it’s more about opportunism than it is about desperate last acts.
Before we talk about the SandRidge story, we want to give some bigger picture context.
As we discussed a few months ago, the oil price bust, while many thought would be a positive for the economy, because it puts a few bucks in the pockets of consumers, has actually been a huge net negative, because it has brought the energy industry to its knees.
If oil stayed at $26, the shale industry in the America would be done. All of the associated businesses (transportation, logistics, refining, housing, marketing, etc.) – done. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost already, and probably millions would have followed. Guess who lends money to the energy sector? Banks. The financial system would once again have been in widespread crisis.
Oil producing countries like Venezuela and Russia would have defaulted. When a biggie like Russia goes, it has systemic ramifications. That event would have likely pulled the leg out from under the teetering European debt crisis chair. From there, Greece would have gone, and Italy and Spain would have probably defaulted. The European Monetary Union would have then finally succumbed to the unmanageable weight of the crisis.
To sum up, cheap oil would have been far worse than the sub-prime crisis. And this time, central banks and governments would have had no ammunition to fight it.
But, central banks stepped in to remove the “cheap oil” risk. The Bank of Japan intervened in the currency markets, and oil bottomed that day. China followed by ramping up bank lending. And Chinese institutions have been big buyers of commodities since. Then the ECB rolled out bigger and bolder QE. And the Fed removed two projected rate hikes from the table. All of this coordinated to directly or indirectly put a floor under oil. Today, oil is up 85% from levels of just three months ago.
So this begs the question: Why is an energy company like SandRidge, a company that has been surviving through the decline in oil prices, cutting production/cutting jobs, now filing bankruptcy? This is AFTER oil has bounced 85% and oil supply has just swung from a surplus to a deficit. And some of the best oil traders in the world are projecting oil prices back around $80 by the end of the year. Why would they throw in the towel now and not in February?
Back in February, SandRidge management missed a debt payment, opting to exercise a 30-day grace period. It was at that stage that the ultimate negotiation should have come with debt holders. Option 1): Restructure debt and perhaps dilute current shareholders by offering debt holders common shares. That gives the company time to ride out the storm of the oil price bust. And it gives all stakeholders a chance to see much better days. Option 2): Close the doors and liquidate assets, and creditors get cents on the dollar.
Instead, SandRidge management and directors negotiated more runway so that they could get to Option 3): the homerun lottery ticket.
In this option, oil prices recover and the company can begin producing profitably again, and brighter days are ahead. But if they rush to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy, while the business fundamentals remain depressed, they can win big. By swapping new stock for debt, the company gets freed of the noose of debt, and the debt holders exchange a piece of paper that was once worth pennies on the dollar, for common stock in a super-charged debt-free company.
That sounds like a win-win. The company continues to operate as normal. Management and the board keep their jobs (and likely their golden parachutes). And former debt holders can make a lot of money.
Who pays the price? Shareholders (the owners). Old shareholders of SandRidge stock have no say in the collusion between SandRidge leadership and creditors. So the owners of the company have their interests effectively stolen by a backroom deal and given to debt holders. And within the bankruptcy laws of Chapter 11, shareholders have no leverage. But who are some of the biggest and most effected shareholders? Employees.
SandRidge has over 1,000 employees. Let’s assume that, like many publicly traded companies, employees of SandRidge have been incentivized to buy company stock as part of their 401k plan (common practice). They have already seen their stock go from $80 to pennies. But now, as an insult to injury, they will continue working to enrich new shareholders while their board of directors have chosen to wipe out their interests.
And sadly, the common stock of companies like SandRidge (which was one of the most shorted stocks on the NYSE) are often shorted heavily by those that own the debt, in efforts to drive the company into Chapter 11, so that they can orchestrate precisely what’s happening today. The stock price gets cheap, then delisted from a major exchange, then credit ratings get downgraded, then banks cut credit lines, and voila, the company find itself in a liquidity crunch and turns to restructurings.
A huge factor in this “homerun option” for the board and creditors is for the company to continue operating as normal. If employees in this Chapter 11 situation would strike, maybe shareholders could have a seat at the negotiating table when these “pre-arranged” reorganization deals are cut. Still, that’s the leverage they hold to derail such a deal.
Consider this: In the depths of the real estate bust, billionaire activist investor Bill Ackman stepped in and bought beaten down shares of General Growth Properties, a company in bankruptcy because it couldn’t access credit. The company had strong assets and strong cash flow (as does SandRidge), but was dependent on a functioning credit market, which was broken at the time. As the largest shareholder, he battled in the board room for the shareholder. He helped management access liquidity and he convinced all stake holders that keeping equity holders intact would result in the biggest outcome for everyone. He was right, and when the credit markets recovered, GGP shares went from 20 cents to over $20 a share.
Join us here to get all of our in-depth analysis on the bigger picture, and our carefully curated stock portfolio of the best stocks that are owned by the world’s best investors.
Heading into today’s inflation data, the prospects of German 10-year government interest rates going negative had added to the heightened risk aversion in global markets. And we’ve been talking this week about how markets are set up for a positive surprise on the inflation front, which could further support the mending of global confidence.
On cue, the euro zone inflation data this morning (the most important data point on inflation in the world right now) came in better than expected. We know Europe, like Japan, is throwing the kitchen sink of extraordinary monetary policies at the economy in an effort to reverse economic stagnation and another steep fall into deflation. And we know that the path forward in Europe, at this stage, will directly affect that path forward in the U.S. and global economy. So, as we said in one of our notes last week, the world needs to see “green shoots” in Europe.
With the better euro zone inflation data today, we may be seeing the early signs of a bottom in this cycle of global pessimism and uncertainty. German yields are now trading double the levels of Monday. And with that, U.S. yields have broken the downtrend of the month, as you can see in the chart below.
Source: Billionaire’s Portfolio, Reuters
With that in mind, today we want to talk about how we can increase certainty in an uncertain world. Aside from the all-important macro influences, even when you get the macro right, when your investing in stocks, you also have to get a lot of other things right, to avoid the landmines and extract something more than what the broad tide of the stock market gives you (which is about 8% annualized over the long term, and it comes with big drawdowns and a very bumpy road).
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio, we like to put the odds on our side as much as possible. We do so by following big, influential investors into stocks where they’ve already taken a huge stake in a company, and are wielding their influence and power to maximize the probability that they will exit with a nice profit.
This is the perfect time to join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio. We’ve discussed our simple analysis on why broader stocks can and should go much higher from here. You can revisit some of that analysis here. In our current portfolio, we have stocks that are up. We have stocks that are down. We have stocks that are relatively flat. But they all have the potential to do multiples of what the broad market does. And for depressed billionaire-owned stocks, a broad market rally and shift in economic sentiment should make these stocks perform like leveraged call options – importantly, without the time decay. Join us hereto get your portfolio in line with ours.
We talked this week about the way markets are set up for a significant positive perception shift. It’s been led by oil, which had its third consecutive close above $40 today. Yields are another key brick in the foundation that may be laid tomorrow.
As oil prices have been a threat to the global economic and stability outlook over the past few months, yields have also been sending a negative signal to markets. The yield on the German 10-year got very close to the all-time lows this week, inching closer to the zero line (and negative territory). And U.S. 10-year yields, following the Fed’s last meeting, have fallen back from 2% down to as low as 1.68% — just 30 basis points above the all-time low of July 2012, when Europe was on the edge of a sovereign debt blow-up. And remember, this is AFTER the Fed has raised rates for the first time in nine years.
So yields have been signaling an uglier path forward, if not deflation forever in places like Japan and Europe. Of course, the move by Japan to negative interest rates in January was a strong contributor to the perception swoon about the global economy. But a key component in Japan’s move, and in the coordinated actions by central banks over the past two months, has been the threat from the oil price bust. And that is now on the mend. Oil is up 58% from its February low.
Still, global yields are hanging around at the lows.
Tomorrow we get euro zone and U.S. inflation data. As we’ve said, when expectations and perception has been ratcheted down so dramatically, we can get an asymmetric outcome. Earnings expectations are in the gutter. Economic growth expectations are in the gutter. Same can be said for expectations on the outlook for inflation data. In a normal world, hotter than expected inflation is a bad signal for the risk-taking environment. In our current world, hotter than expected inflation would not be a good signal, it would be a very good signal. It would show the economy has a pulse.
Yields in the two key government bond markets are set up nicely for a bottom on some hotter inflation data.
Tuesday, German yields touched 7.5 basis points. Remember, earlier in the month we talked about what happened the last time German yields were this low.
Bond kings Bill Gross and Jeffrey Gundlach said it was crazy. Bill Gross called the German bund the “short of a lifetime” (short bonds, which equates to a bet that yields go higher). He compared it to the opportunity when George Soros broke the Bank of England and made billions shorting the British pound. Gundlach said it was a trade with almost no upside and unlimited downside.
They were both right. In the chart below you can see the explosive move in German rates (in blue) away from the zero line. In the chart below, you can see the 10-year German bond yields moved from 5 basis points to 106 basis points in less than two months — a 20x move. U.S. 10 year yields (the purple line) moved from 1.72% to 2.49% almost in lock-step.
On the move down on Tuesday, the yield on the German bund reversed sharply and put in a bullish outside day (a key reversal signal). Could it have been the bottom into tomorrow’s inflation data?
Coincidentally, the U.S. 10-year looks like a bottom may be in as well.
U.S. yields have a chance to break this downtrend tomorrow on a hotter inflation number.
As we said yesterday, in addition to oil, these are very important charts for financial markets and for the global economic outlook. A bottom in these yields, as well as the continued recovery in oil will be important for restoring confidence in the global economic outlook.
This is the perfect time to join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio. We have just added the billionaire’s macro trade of the year to our Billionaire’s Portfolio — a portfolio of deep value stocks owned by the best billionaire investors in the world. You can join us here.
Buffett’s famed annual letter is due to be released this weekend. With that, today we want to talk a bit about his record, his philosophy on markets and successful investing and the high conviction stocks that he has in his $130 billion plus Berkshire Hathaway stock portfolio.
First, only one living investor has a length of track record that can compare to Buffett’s. That’s fellow billionaire Carl Icahn. Icahn actually has a better record than Buffett, and it spans a little longer. But he gets a fraction of the attention of the man they call the Oracle of Omaha.(more…)
Stocks have roared back in the past several days. It’s been led by commodity stocks, the area that has been beaten up and left for dead. Not surprisingly, the bounce in that area has been multiples of the broader stock market bounce (which is 7% in less than a week).
As we’ve discussed in recent weeks, in the world we live in, global economic stability continues to rely on central bank influence. And, indeed, after one of the worst starts for stocks in a New Year ever, it was central bank verbal posturing to open the week that has turned the tide for global markets. On Sunday, the head of the BOJ spoke, warning that they were watching markets closely and stood ready to act, and then on Monday, the head of the European Central Bank said, effectively, the same. The result: the BOJ comments sparked a 10% rally in Japanese stocks in a matter of hours. With that lead, the S&P 500 has now rallied 7% in three days, crude oil has bounced 20%, and global interest rates are bouncing back (which, last week, were pricing in recession).
Like it or not, in a world where the economy remains structurally fragile after the global financial and economic crisis, the central banks remain in the driver’s seat and they know that promoting stability is the key to recovery and ultimately returning to sustainable economic growth. As we approach the March ECB and BOJ meetings, with weak oil prices persisting, we continue to think the central banks may outright buy oil and commodities to remove the risk of oil industry bankruptcies and the domino effect that it would spark. As an additional benefit, it would likely turn out to be a very profitable investment.
Today we want to talk about the quarterly SEC filings that came in this week. All big investors that are managing over $100 million are required to publicly disclose their holdings every quarter. They have 45 days from the end of the quarter to file that disclosure with the SEC. It’s called a form 13F. While these filings have become very popular fodder for the media, what we care more about is 13D filings. Those are disclosures these big investors have to make within 10 days of taking a controlling stake in a company. When you own 5% or more of a company’s stock, it’s considered a controlling stake. In a publicly traded company, with that sized position, you typically become the largest shareholder and, as we know, with that comes influence. Another key attribute of this 13D filing, for us, is that these investors also have to file amendments to the 13D within 10 days of making any change to their position.
By comparison, the 13F filings only offer value to the extent that there is some skilled analysis applied. Thousands of managers file 13Fs every quarter. And the difference in manager talent, strategies and portfolio sizes run the gamut.
With that caveat, there are nuggets to be found in 13Fs. Let’s talk about how to find them, and the take aways from the recent filings.
First, it’s important to understand that some of the positions in 13F filings can be as old as 135 days. Filings must be made 45 days after the previous quarter ends, which is 90 days. We only look at a tiny percentage of filings—just the investors that we know have long and proven track records, distinct approaches, and who have concentrated portfolios.
Through our research over 15 years, here’s what we’ve found to be most predictive:
Clustering in stocks and sectors by good hedge funds is bullish. Situations where good funds are doubling down on stocks is bullish. This all can provide good insight into the mindset of the biggest and best investors in the world, and can be a predictor of trends that have yet to materialize in the market’s eye.
For specialist investors (such as a technology focused hedge fund) we take note when they buy a new technology stock or double down on a technology stock. This is much more predictive than when a generalist investor, as an example, buys a technology stock.
The bigger the position relative to the size of their portfolio, the better. Concentrated positions show conviction. Conviction tends to result in a higher probability of success. Again, in most cases, we will see these first in the 13D filings.
New positions that are of large, but under 5%, are worthy of putting on the watch list. These positions can be an indicator that the investor is building a position that will soon be a “controlling stake.”
Trimming of positions is generally not predictive unless a hedge fund or billionaire cuts a position by 75% or more, or cuts below 5% (which we will see first in 13D filings). Funds also tend to trim losers into the fourth quarter for tax loss benefits, and then they buy them back early the following year.
With that in mind, we want to talk about a few things we did glean from these recent filings.
First, the old adage “buy when there is blood in the streets” was evident last quarter, as many of the top billionaire investors loaded up on stocks in the fourth quarter. That was BEFORE the further declines this year.
Top billionaire investors Paul Singer, David Tepper and Chase Coleman of Tiger Global all increased their equity exposure (buying more stocks) over the last quarter. And billionaire investors still love health care stocks. John Paulson, Bill Ackman, Dan Loeb and Larry Robbins loaded up, with Paulson putting 56% of his portfolio in health care.
Billionaires are starting to bottom fish in energy. Seth Klarman, David Tepper, Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett all either added to, or initiated new stakes in energy stocks. Tepper now has 12% of his entire equity portfolio in energy stocks! This obviously coincides well with the theme that energy and commodity stocks are starting to bottom.
Also notable, in recent weeks, the 13D filings have been coming in fast and furious as investors are taking advantage of the decline this year.
Analyzing these filings is part of our process in our Billionaire’s Portfolio. With that in mind, this week we followed one of the best billion dollar (plus) activist hedge funds into a stock where they own 12.5%, have three board seats, and are in the process of replacing the CEO. These are are three key ingredients in the success of activist campaigns: 1) a big concentrated position (12.5% stake), 2) control (board seats), and 3) change (a new CEO). This activist fund has won on 82% of its campaigns since 2002 and has a price target on this stock that’s more than 150% higher than the current share price. To join us you can subscribe to our Billionaire’s Portfolio (here).
The word China is often thrown around to explain why markets are in turmoil. China doing well was a threat to western civilization. China doing poorly is now a threat to Western civilization.
Which one is true?
First, a bit of background. Over the past twenty years, China’s economy has grown more than fourteen-fold! … to $10 trillion. It’s now the second largest economy in the world.
During the same period, the U.S. economy has grown 2.5x in size.
So how did China achieve such an ascent and position in the global economy? One word: Currency.
To follow the stock picks of the world’s best billionaire investors, subscribe at Billionaire’s Portfolio.
For a decade, China maintained a fixed exchange rate policy — the yuan was pegged against the dollar. One U.S. dollar bought 8.27 yuan. This allowed China to undercut the rest of the world, churning out cheap commoditized goods, competing on one thing: Price.
But in 2005, China changed its currency policy. It abandoned the peg.
After political tensions rose between China and its key trading partners, namely the U.S., China adopted a “managed float.” Under this policy China agreed to let the yuan trade in a defined daily trading band, while gradually allowing it to appreciate. This was China’s way of pacifying its trading partners while maintaining complete control over its currency.
Over the next three years the Chinese yuan climbed 17 percent against the dollar, enough to ease a politically sensitive issue, but far less than the relative economic growth would warrant. In fact, China’s economy grew by 43 percent while the U.S. economy grew only 10 percent.
That timeline leads us up to the bursting of the global credit bubble. What caused it? The housing bubble can be credited to a key decision made by the government sponsored credit agencies (Fitch, Standard and Poors, Moody’s), all of which stamped AAA ratings on the mortgage bond securities that Wall Street was churning out.
With a AAA rating, massive pension funds couldn’t resist (if they wanted to keep their jobs) loading up on the superior yields these AAA securities were offering. That’s where the money came from. That’s the money that was ultimately creating the demand to give anyone with a pulse a mortgage. That mortgage was then thrown into a mix of other mortgages and the ratings agencies stamped them AAA. They rinsed and they repeated.
But where did all of the credit come from in the first place, to fuel the U.S. (and global) consumption, the stock market, jobs, investment, government spending … a lot of the drivers of the capital that contributed to the pin the pricked the global credit bubble (i.e. the U.S. housing bust)? It came from China.
China sells us goods. We give them dollars. They take our dollars and buy U.S. Treasuries, which suppresses U.S. interest rates, incentives borrowing, which fuels consumption. And the cycle continues. Here’s how it looked (and still looks):
The result: China collects and stockpiles dollars and perpetuates a cycle of booms and busts for the world.
That’s the structural imbalance in the world that led to the crisis, and that problem has yet to be solved. And the outlook, longer term, for a solution looks grim because it requires China to move to develop a more robust, and consumer led economy. That structural shift could take decades. And going from double digit growth to low single digit growth in the process is a recipe for social uprising of its billion plus people.
In the near term, the likelihood that China will fight economic weakness with a weaker currency is high. We’ve seen glimpses of it since August. And the hedge fund community is ramping up bets that it’s just starting, not ending.
Above is a look at the dollar vs the yuan chart (the line going lower represents yuan appreciation, dollar depreciation). Longer term, China’s weak currency policy is a threat to economic stability and geopolitical stability. But short term, it could be a shot in the arm for their economy and for the global economy.
To get our best of the best portfolio of billionaire owned stocks at our new Billionaire’s Portfolio, subscribe today.
The goal of the Billionaire’s Portfolio is simple: to provide retail investors with the same plain-vanilla stock investments that the world’s greatest billionaire investors and hedge funds own. And our subscribers can invest alongside these billionaires without the typical $5 million minimum investments and paying big hedge fund management and performance fees. Instead, they get access to our best of the best portfolio of billionaire owned stocks for just $297 a quarter.
As we headed into this past weekend, we talked about the threat that the oil bust poses to the global financial system (not too dissimilar from the housing bust), and we talked about the prospect of central bank intervention over the thinly traded U.S. holiday (Monday).
Both the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank did indeed go on the offensive, verbally, promising more action to combat the shaky global financial market environment.
To follow the stock picks of the world’s best billionaire investors, subscribe at Billionaire’s Portfolio.
The result was a 9.5% rally in the Japanese stock market from Friday’s close. And all global markets followed suit. Within the white box in the chart below, you can see the central bank induced jump in the Nikkei (in orange) and the S&P 500 futures (in purple).
Source: Billionaire’s Portfolio
This is purely the influence on confidence by the two central banks that are now driving the global economic recovery (the BOJ and the ECB). However, the potency of the verbal threats and promises has been waning. Big words have marked bottoms along the way over the past several years for stocks, and the overall ebb and flow of global risk appetite. But it’s becoming more evident that real, bold action is required. And given that it’s cheap oil that represents the big risk to financial stability at the moment, we’ve argued that central banks should outright buy commodities (particularly oil). And we think they will.
Source: Billionaire’s Portfolio
In 2009, despite the evaporation of global demand, oil prices spiked from $32 to $73 in four months after China tapped its $3 trillion currency reserves to snap up cheap commodities. Within two years, oil was back above $100.
China’s role in the commodity market was a huge contributor to the recovery in emerging markets from the depths of the global financial and economic crisis. Brazil went from recession to growing at close to 8%. Many were saying emerging markets had survived the recession better than advanced markets, and that they were driving the global economic recovery. And Wall Street was claiming a torch passing from the developed world to the emerging world as the future of growth and leadership.
How are emerging markets doing now? Terrible. Not surprisingly, it turns out the emerging market economies need a healthy developed world to survive. And now with the additional hit of the plunge in commodity prices, Venezuela (heavily reliant on oil exports) is very near default. Brazil and Russia are both in recession. The longer oil prices stay down here, Venezuela will be the first domino to go, and others will follow. With that, we expect intervention to come. And as you can see in the response to the Nikkei overnight, it will pack a punch – and if it’s bold, a lasting one. Remember, as we said last week, historical turning points for markets often come from some form of intervention (public or private policy)., run by two veterans of the hedge fund industry, helps self-directed investors invest alongside the world’s best billionaire investors. To see which ideas we follow in our Billionaire’s Portfolio, join us at
Gold has been a core trade for a lot of people throughout the crisis period. When Lehman failed in 2008, it shook the world, global credit froze, banks were on the verge of collapse, the global economy was on the brink of implosion – people ran into gold. Gold was a fear-of-the-unknown-outcome trade.
Then the global central banks responded with massive backstops, guarantees, and unprecedented QE programs. The world stabilized, but people ran faster into gold. Gold became a hyperinflation-fear trade.
In the chart above, you can see gold went on a tear from sub-$700 bucks to over $1,900 following the onset of global QE (led by the Fed).
Gold ran up as high as 180%. That was pricing in 41% annualized inflation at one point (as a dollar for dollar hedge). Of course, inflation didn’t comply. Still eight years after the Fed’s first round of QE (and massive global responses), we have just 13% cumulative inflation over the period.
So the gold bugs overshot in a big way.
Why? The next chart tells the story…
This chart above is the velocity of money. This is the rate at which money circulates through the economy. And you can see to the far right of the chart, it hasn’t been fast. In fact, it’s at historic lows. Banks used cheap/free money from the Fed to recapitalize, not to lend. Borrows had no appetite to borrow, because they were scarred by unemployment and overindebtedness. Bottom line: we get inflation when people are confident about their financial future, jobs, earning potential … and competing for things, buying today, thinking prices might be higher, or the widget might be gone tomorrow. It’s been the opposite for the past eight years.
After three rounds of Fed QE, and now mass scale QE from the BOJ and the ECB, the world is still battling DE-flationary pressures. If gold surged from sub-$700 to $1,900 on Fed/QE-driven hyperinflation fears, and QE has produced little to no inflation, it’s fair to think we can return to pre-QE levels. That’s sub-$700.
We head into the weekend with stocks down 3% for the month. This follows a bad January. In fact, the stock market is working on a fifth consecutive negative month. The likelihood, however, of it finishing down for February is very low. It’s only happened 18 times since 1928. So the S&P 500 has five consecutive losing months just 1.7% of the time, historically.
Over the past week, I received hundreds of emails concerning Carl Icahn’s announcement that he took an 8% position in Hertz (HTZ). We know Icahn has already publicly stated he wants to actively engage with Hertz management and its CEO, but there has been no word about Icahn pushing Hertz to merge or sell itself.
Here is why: First, regulators would never approve a Hertz-Avis merger. The two entities represent too large a share of the industry. It would essentially be a monopoly. So a merger with Avis isn’t happening — at least in my opinion.
Though, given the quick 25% run up in Family Dollar (FDO) last month after Icahn forced a merger with Dollar Tree (DLTR), it’s easy to see why investors are hoping for a similar result. Clearly, people don’t want to miss out on the next FDO. On that note, you can read some great analysis of the Family Dollar deal, where my partner and I predicted the merger and picked the bottom in Family Dollar stock (read that here).
But again, this is not going to happen with Hertz. Icahn and numerous other investors are long Hertz. Hertz is actually one of the most popular stocks owned by top billionaire hedge fund managers, because it’s a pure play on the improving economy, and rental car companies have lagged airlines in terms of raising their prices.
So many hedge funds are betting on Hertz increasing its prices, like the airlines did last year, and they are betting that demand will continue to improve with the recovery in the economy. It’s that simple.
Also, this is not a classic Icahn play. He typically comes into a deeply depressed stock selling near its 52-week low or multi-year lows. Icahn purchased Hertz near the stock’s all-time high.
But what Icahn is doing is playing his “change” card. He has recently laid out his evidence, based on his history as an activist investor, of how replacing a CEO is a powerful catalyst for producing shareholder wealth creation. And one of his fellow shareholders in Hertz is already at work on that strategy: Fir Tree Partners is pressuring the board to oust the CEO.