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June 23, 2022

We’ve talked about the Bank of Japan’s newly amplified role as the shock absorber to the global economy, as they execute on their license to print unlimited yen and buy unlimited assets.
Remember, the global finance ministers (and politicians) have resolved that, in a world of global interconnectedness, the only way to avert the spiral of global economic crises into an apocalyptic outcome is to coordinate policies.
Japan is in the unique position, after battling decades of deflation while buried under the world’s worst-debt burden, to be the implicit provider of global liquidity — to keep printing, to devalue the yen and inflate away debt.  
With that, let’s take a closer look at the yen and Japanese stocks. 
As we discussed on Tuesday, since the Fed start the rate liftoff in March, the yen has crashed as much as 17% (in just three months).  By April, the Japanese currency had already posted a record losing streak against the dollar.  It hit a 24-year low this week. 
Strong dollar/weaker yen is the consequence of the policy divergence between the U.S. and Japan (the Fed tightening, the BOJ easing).  

The above is a chart of the dollar versus the yen (the line moving higher represents a stronger dollar/weaker yen and vice versa).  As you can see, through the 80s inflation era in the U.S., the dollar was dramatically stronger versus the yen. 
What about Japanese stocks?
Both German and U.S. stocks hit new record highs in the pandemic environment, thanks to the global liquidity deluge.  Japanese stocks never did.  It would take another 50% to revisit the 1989 all-time high in the Nikkei. 
Now, the interest rate divergence between the U.S. and Japan would typically drive money out of Japan and into the U.S. (seeking higher yield).  That would be bad for Japanese stocks.  But this is not a typical case.  It's important to know that the BOJ is still outright buying Japanese stocks as part of its QE program.    

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June 22, 2022

Today, Jerome Powell spent two hours in front of the Senate Banking Committee.  Tomorrow he will do the same with the House Financial Service Committee. 
Just a week ago the Fed made the biggest rate hike in 28 years, raised interest rate and inflation projections, and the Fed chair spent over an hour answering questions from financial media.
What more could he reveal today that markets don't already know?
Nothing.  He maintained the Fed's stance that they will "expeditiously" raise rates to the neutral level, though he admitted that the Fed doesn't have the tools to deal with oil and food prices.
So, the Fed is guiding to a slower growth-high price economy, rather than a high growth-high price economy.  It doesn't make sense.  Even the most intellectually dishonest of the Senate Banking Committee are poking holes in the logic. 
As we've discussed, this "guidance" on the rate path by the Fed continues to look like lip service.  If we look at their actions, rather than listen to their words, we see a 1.6% effective Fed Funds rate in an alleged effort to fight 8.6% inflation. 
That said, the tough talk, alone, has taken a toll on confidence (record low).  Financial conditions have tightened.  The stock market is in a bear market.  
As we discussed last week, after the 75 basis point hike, it's possible that the Fed could be done.
What's happened since?  The S&P 500 opened at 3740 on the day of the Fed decision last week.  Today, it's 3740.  The 10-year yield opened at 3.45% on the day of the Fed decision.  Today, it's 3.14%. 
So, after an "historic" rate hike, as the media called it, stocks are flat, not down.  Yields are down, not up.
In fact, two key rate markets posted technical reversal signals last week. 
As we've discussed, Spanish bond yields have been a proxy on the probability of another European sovereign debt crisis.  This was quickly flaring up as of early last week, but has now reversed by 50 basis points in six trading days. 

The U.S. 10-year yield has reversed from 3.5% to 3.14% in four trading days.
The drivers?  The European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. 
The former (the ECB), showed how quickly they can fold on their policy plans last Wednesday.  They responded to rising bond yields in the weaker spots of the euro zone (namely, Spain and Italy) with an emergency meeting and threats to backstop (again) the European sovereign debt market.  The chart above is the result.  
The latter (the BOJ), on Friday, doubled down on their unlimited QE strategy (i.e. they are the global asset buyer of last resort). 
This means demand for U.S. Treasuries.
The result?  A sharp reversal in U.S. yields. 
Again, this dynamic sets up well for a rebound in stocks.    

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June 21, 2022

In my Friday note, we talked more about the importance of the Bank of Japan's role in offsetting the policy tightening that's underway in the rest of the world.
This "offsetting" is not by coincidence. 
Remember, if there is one common word we hear spoken from policymakers around the world (from the Great Financial Crisis era, through the pandemic and post-pandemic period) it's coordination
They have resolved that, in a world of global interconnectedness, the only way to avert the spiral of global economic crises into an apocalyptic outcome is to coordinate policies. 
With that, just a month ago, the top finance ministers from G7 countries met in Germany.
It's safe to say, they all know that the only way the world can start reversing emergency level monetary policy, while simultaneously running record level debt and deficits, is if the Bank of Japan is running wide-open-throttle, unlimited QE
In doing so, the BOJ has become the shock absorber for the global economy.
In return, they get to devalue the yen, and devalue the world's worst debt burden. 
With this policy divergence, and implicit license to devalue the yen, the yen has crashed more than 17% since the Fed made its first rate hike in March.  By April it had already experienced a record losing streak.  Today it posted a new 24-year low against the dollar.  

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June 17, 2022

We ended the week with yet another big central bank meeting.  It was the Bank of Japan.
Remember, while most of the world is raising rates and ending quantitative easing, the Bank of Japan has been entrenched in multi-decade fight against deflation, and consequently a very long period of ultra-easy policies.
But inflation is running hot around the world, even Japan.  Japan's most recent inflation print was 2.5% annualized.  Their goal for monetary policy is to get sustained inflation of 2%.  
So, given the trajectory of global rates and Japan's recent inflation, there was question as to whether or not they would stick to their guns at today's meeting. 
Those questions were manifested in selling … selling of Japanese bonds.  That speculative selling in the Japanese government bond market put pressure on one of the BOJ's core policies:  Yield Curve Control. 
As we discussed earlier this week, under their "yield curve control" program, they are managing the yield curve, and doing so by manipulating the 10-year yield. They are targeting 0%, allowing 25 basis points on either side. 
Remember, this top limit was breached this week, creating speculation that the BOJ, too, might start the process of exiting emergency policies — in this case, through raising the top limit on their yield curve control program to 50 basis points.
It didn't happen.  In fact, the BOJ doubled down today.
They will continue QE.  That includes buying unlimited JGBs to defend the top of their limit on the 10-year yield.  The more pressure, the more JGBs they buy. 
Again, this is a stated plan of unlimited QE, as it has been.  The difference now, is that the upward pressure on rates will put this program into overdrive.  
What does it all mean? 
It means that there is still a very big and powerful central bank in the world that is still pumping liquidity into global markets.  It's the shock absorber, in a world where policy change can induce big shock waves. 
This is good news, to end a tough week.  We shouldn't underestimate the importance of this. 
Let's again revisit this related excerpt from the April 28 note …
"This looks increasingly like the Bank of Japan is taking the baton from the Fed and other central banks that are being forced into an inflation fighting role. 
How do you prevent a global economic shock that may (likely) come from reversing the mass liquidity deluge of the past two years (if not 14 years, post Global Financial Crisis)? 
You keep the liquidity pumping from a part of the world that has a long-term structural deflation problem, and that has the biggest government debt load in the world (exception, only Venezuela).
The Bank of Japan, in this position, can be buyers of foreign government debt (namely the U.S.) to keep our market rates in check (keeps the world relatively stable), which gives the Fed breathing room on the rate hiking path.  
And Japan's benefit?  The world gives Japan the greenlight to devalue the yen, inflate away debt and increase export competitiveness (through a weaker currency).  They hit the reset button on an unsustainable, debt-laden economy."  


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June 15, 2022

The market continues to react to a higher interest rate world. 
In addition to the Fed move yesterday, the Swiss National Bank raised rates by 50 basis points this morning. 
Just this month, Australia has raised by 50 bps.  The Bank of England raised for a fifth time in a row. Canada raised by 50 bps.  
This all sounds pretty aggressive, until you realize that not one of these central banks has taken rates above 2%.  Two other major economies (Japan and Europe) continue with negative interest rates.
And the average inflation across these countries:  6%!  
If we average the central bank determined interest rate for this group, it's now a whopping +0.6% — again, to address 6% inflation.
Remember, the inflation fight of the 70s and 80s both required taking interest rates ABOVE the rate of inflation to beat it.
And also remember, this current inflation challenge was visible from the very beginning of the policy response — dating back to the second quarter (if not March) of 2020. 
These central banks were not taken by surprise (at least they shouldn't have been). 
If we couldn't connect the dots on what happens when we shut down economies, print money and subsidize consumers and businesses to stay at home, then we could surely see the inflation in our daily lives by early 2021.  And if that didn't work, we could see it in the multi-decade high inflation data presented to us through a variety of monthly reports (again, more than a year ago). 
Bottom line:  This continues to look like a "tough talk" strategy to slow economies and to kill animal spirits.  It's working.  But money is still cheap. And the signals the central banks are giving (from their actions, not words), should give us confidence that its going to remain cheap.  

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June 15, 2022

The Fed delivered today on the expectations of a 75 basis point rate hike.  That takes us to 1.5% Fed Funds rate, in an 8% inflation world.
What's the quick explanation on what happened today? 
Jay Powell called today's 75 basis "front-end loading." 
Beyond everything else (the Fed statement, Powell's prepared remarks, and an hour's worth of Q&A), this language is what stuck out to me.
By definition this is doing something at the beginning, rather than spreading it out it out over a term. 
Does it mean the Fed is done.  Unlikely.  But not impossible.  
Think about it:  Taking the Fed Funds to 1.5%, as inflation continues to post higher highs (at 8.6%) is deemed to be an aggressive, "front-end loaded" inflation dampener by the Fed.
Here's the way I see it…
As we've discussed, the global sovereign over-indebtedness makes it impossible for a rational interest rate response to inflation. 
That's why the Fed has, instead, opted for the tough talk strategy.
Remember, earlier this year Powell explicitly said they were targeting the job market to bring down demand (i.e. increase unemployment).  That rhetoric has influenced a bear market in stocks, tighter financial conditions, and now layoffs.
This resulted in an inverted yield curve back in March, which has a history of preceding recession.  What do you know?  We had a contraction in GDP in Q1.  And it appears now that Q2 will likely be negative too.  That would be two consecutive quarters of negative GDP, which is recession, by definition.
Now, in addition to the limitations on what the Fed can do with interest rates, we've talked a lot about the limitations they (and other global central banks) have with reversing QE (quantitative tightening).
We even questioned whether or not the Fed would even be able to begin the process of shrinking its balance sheet, before it would be forced back into QE.  As we've discussed, QE is Hotel California of monetary policy.  "You can check in but you can never leave." 
The Fed began dipping its toe in the water on June 1, beginning with a small test of asset sales. 
How's it going?  So far, the proxy on the corporate bond market (the investment grade ETF, LQD) has plunged back to pandemic-crisis levels.
Will there be a crisis in the corporate bond market?  Unlikely. 
The Fed will not let it happen. 
Here's what I mean:  In Europe, the mere plan of ending QE next month has resulted in a blow-out of sovereign bond yields in Europe — the beginning of another sovereign debt crisis.  As history has predicted for us, today the ECB called an emergency meeting to plan a response:  yet another new asset purchase program.  It will be more QE, by a different name.  
If we connect all of the dots here, it looks like a Fed that (said today) thinks inflation is going to come down to them (i.e. not a rate hiking campaign intended to catch up to inflation).  Why would they, when they have gotten the desired effect of slowing the economy already.
Meanwhile, the ECB is reminding us that once the central banks crossed the line (ripped up the rule book) in response to the Great Financial Crisis, they have since, and always will be ready to do whatever it takes to prevent major market and economic shocks (i.e. more and more QE/intervention).
This path continues to look like it leads to the eventuality of a reset of global debt, and a new monetary system.
For now, it seems that stocks may have already discounted a recession induced by higher interest rates.  If recession is here, rates may be closer to the peak of the cycle, than has been thought.  Add to that, we're getting confirmation (from the ECB's actions) that the central banks will continue to intervene where necessary to defend against shocks. 
This should set up well for the stock market from here – a positive formula.
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June 14, 2022

The Fed meets tomorrow on policy.  
Following Friday's hot inflation report, the market has now priced in a more aggressive 75 basis point rate hike for tomorrow.
That would take the effective Fed Funds rate to 1.5%.
The problem is, as we discussed last month, there are three supply issues that are driving inflation, that the Fed's interest rate ammunition can do nothing about.
1) The reset of wages at the low end of the scale.  Thanks to pandemic unemployment subsidies, the government established a new (higher) living wage.  That's being passed on to consumers through higher prices.
2) The global supply chain disruptions from the lockdown period have been exacerbated by war in eastern Europe and zero covid policies in China.
3) High energy prices, sustained by a self-inflicted supply shortage, by the design of global anti-fossil fuel policies.
These factors will keep a fire under prices, regardless of whether the Fed sets interest rates 50, 75 or even 100 basis points higher.
From this point, a more aggressive rate path will ensure a lower quality of life, more so than it will ensure lower prices. 
And that is being projected in this chart …

This is the spread between the 10-year and 2-year Treasury yields (the yield curve).  The yield curve is near a second inversion in three months.
Why does this matter?  Each of the six recessions, dating back to 1955, were preceded by a yield curve inversion.  Recession followed between 6 and 24 months.
Now, what we should be watching closely tomorrow is what the Fed says about quantitative tightening.  It officially started on June 1.
As we've discussed here in my daily notes, there's one thing we know about historical central bank exits of QE.  They don't last long, before QE is back.  
Why?  Things tend to break. 
Already, the bubble has been pricked in the latest iteration of the internet boom, including the end of the mania in crypto currencies.
But the real trouble, when central banks start extracting liquidity from the economy, tends to come from the interest rate market.
Back in the depths of the lockdown-induced financial market crisis, the Fed wasn't able to get markets under control until it tamed the corporate bond market. 
It did so by crossing the line — and outright buying corporate bonds (individual bonds and ETFs).   You can see how that Fed intervention/rescue looked in the biggest corporate bond ETF.  And you can see where it's trading now (back to the depths of the crisis).  

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June 13, 2022

We had two key events last week that triggered a Monday market meltdown today.
First, the European Central Bank announced the end of QE (and the liftoff of interest rates next month).   Second, the May U.S. inflation report showed no sign of slowing in the rate-of-change of prices.
The latter underscores the monetary policy regime change that’s underway in the U.S. (from easing/pumping liquidity to tightening/extracting liquidity). 
In short, the liquidity spigot that has come from the two biggest economies in the world (the U.S. and the euro area), for the better part of the past 14 years, has been closed.
That said, this coming regime change has been well telegraphed.  And already, some of the bubbles from the excesses of the era have been pricked.
What is now being contemplated, is maybe the biggest bubble of them all.  The government bond market. 
As we discussed last week, with the end of QE in Europe, the sovereign debt buyer of last resort, particularly debt of the fiscally fragile countries in the euro zone, will soon be out of the market
In the U.S., the Fed is no longer buying Treasuries.  Conversely, as of June 1st, they are selling Treasuries.
With the exit of this life-line-like bond market demand, this all seems like a formula for a sharp fall in bond prices, which would translate into a shock in market interest rates (i.e. spike).
That’s precisely what it looked like today.
The U.S. 10-year yield spiked 29 basis points today – a huge one-day move, the biggest since March 2020. 
And we talked quite a bit last week about two very vulnerable sovereign debt markets in Europe. 
Both Italian and Spanish yields spiked today too (up 20 and 25 basis points, respectively).   As we discussed last week, when yields for both Italy and Spain were around 7%, back in 2012, they were on default watch. By the pace these bond yields are moving, just in the past three days, we could revisit that danger zone by this summer.
And the debt load for each is greater now than it was back in 2012 –therefore, the unsustainability of the debt service burden would trigger at even lower yield levels now.
Now, with all of this said, what was the most troubling market observation of the day?  It wasn’t bitcoin.  It wasn’t the U.S. stock market.  
It was the Japanese government bond market.
The 10-year JGB did this today …

Remember, the Bank of Japan is still in full quantitative easing mode.  In fact, not only are they buying JGB’s, under their “yield curve control” program, they are managing the yield curve, and doing so by manipulating the 10-year yield. 
They are targeting 0%, allowing 25 basis points on either side.  As you can see in the chart above, that top limit breached today.  This created some speculation that the BOJ might be fighting off speculators (and losing), or perhaps considering an increase in the band (to plus/minus 50 bps). 
In the end, the yield came quickly back into line (within the limit).
What does this all mean? 
It’s a reminder that, not only is the Bank of Japan (BOJ) still in the QE business, but they are in the unlimited QE business.  To defend the top limit of their yield target, they become buyers of unlimited Japanese Government Bonds.  They have a stated policy to buy as much as they see fit.  And in Japan, that also means buying stocks, real estate, corporate bonds, foreign assets – it’s all fair game.
With that in mind, we shouldn’t underestimate the appetite of global central banks to coordinate, to keep key global interest rates in check.  That includes U.S. Treasuries, and European sovereign debt. 
As I said in my April 28th note
How do you prevent a global economic shock that may (likely) come from reversing the mass liquidity deluge of the past two years (if not 14 years, post Global Financial Crisis)? 


You keep the liquidity pumping from a part of the world that has a long-term structural deflation problem, and that has the biggest government debt load in the world (exception, only Venezuela). Japan.


The Bank of Japan, in this position, can be buyers of foreign government debt (namely the U.S.) to keep our market rates in check (keeps the world relatively stable), which gives the Fed breathing room on the rate hiking path.  


And Japan‘s benefit?  The world gives Japan the greenlight to devalue the yen, inflate away debt and increase export competitiveness (through a weaker currency).  They hit the reset button on an unsustainable, debt-laden economy.


So, what’s going on with the yen? It has been devaluing, rapidly (24-year low today) …  

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June 10, 2022

The May inflation report came in hot this morning. 
Despite what the Fed, the politicians, the media and Wall Street wanted us to believe, inflation has not peaked.
In fact, not only was the year-over-year 8.6% rise in prices a new forty-year high, the really big number was the monthly change.  
In a month where prices were expected to cool, the change in the consumer price index from April to May was 1%.  If we annualize that, we get 12.7% inflation.
As we've discussed here in my daily notes, in the 197374 and early 80s inflation spikes, the Fed had to ratchet rates above the rate of inflation to finally get it under control.
With this in mind, the markets are expecting some reaction to today's inflation data by the Fed.  Conveniently, they meet next week on rates, where the expectation is that they will raise another 50 basis points (the second 1/2 point hike in six weeks).  
But we shouldn't expect anything more from the Fed, than delivering on what was promised (50bps and gradual balance sheet reduction), and some more tough (but empty) talk
Remember, for the reasons we've discussed about sovereign debt vulnerabilities (domestic and global), a 70s and 80s-style inflation fight isn't in the cards.  Instead of double-digit interest rates, the Fed has opted to attack inflation by attacking demand (jobs, wages and the net worth effect from a lower stock market).
That has been working.  Household net worth has fallen for the first time in two years.  Confidence in May hit a record low. 
The problem:  The largest contributors to the inflation numbers this morning were shelter, gas and food.  These are supply related (even housing), mostly related to the policy attack on fossil fuels, and the subsequent structural supply deficit. 
Again, this is the stagflation, lower standard of living formula. 
The notable movers today:  stocks lower, sovereign bond yields higher (including another jump in European yields), and gold higher.
On a final note, we've talked about the vulnerabilities in Europe to another sovereign debt crisis, following this week's ECB announcement that they will be ending QE in July (QE=the lifeline to the Eurozone government bond market).  A sovereign debt crisis would threaten the existence of the euro (as it did in 2012).  
This chart of the euro seems to be communicating that risk.     

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June 9, 2022

We get the big inflation report tomorrow. 
Has it peaked?  Has it not peaked?  We’ve talked about this earlier in the week.  It’s unlikely that inflation has peaked.  The reports we’ve seen globally, for the month of May, have shown hotter, not cooler prices. 
Let’s talk about the bigger news for markets today.
The European Central Bank this morning announced the end of QE, and telegraphed, not just a liftoff of interest rates, but a series of interest rate hikes to begin in July.
With this in mind, let’s revisit the end of my note yesterday, where we discussed the potentially explosive intersection of fragile European sovereign debt and hawkish European monetary policy.  
As I said, “it doesn’t take much imagination to see the danger zone for these two countries (Spain and Italy) emerging quickly, if the ECB were to telegraph a series of rate hikes, while simultaneously ending QE.
They ECB has done just that. As of July 1, the ECB will be out of the European bond market (with the exception of reinvesting principal of their current bond holdings, at maturity).  
Remember, the only reason the euro and the EU didn’t collapse under the insolvency of Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece, a decade ago, is because of official intervention — led by the European Central Bank’s promise to become the buyer of last resort of government bonds (and pretty much anything else that threatened the euro).
These countries are no more healthy today.  In fact, they are worse off (deeper deficits, higher debt).   And now the ECB has vowed to end the bond market lifeline, in the name of inflation fighting. 
This is a greenlight for speculators to attack the European bond markets, – sovereign and corporate bonds.  
So, how did those markets perform today?  Not well.