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January 17, 2023
On Friday we talked about the signal gold may be sending.
Perhaps this will be the year that consequences are levied for $10 trillion-plus of deficit spending, globally, in response to the pandemic.  
Of course, that was adding to what was already an unsustainable global sovereign debt situation.  
It's a bubble.  
And as we've discussed often here in my daily notes, it seems to be building toward a global debt restructuring, and a new currency regime (likely coming in the form of central bank backed digital currencies).
If that indeed is the ultimate destination, will it be slow moving, or will it be event driven (a shock event)?
With the above in mind, on Friday we looked at Japan as a hot-spot and potential catalyst for the onset of another crisis in global sovereign debt markets.
Global interest rates have been rising.  Japan, having the world's largest debt load, relative to the size of its economy, is most vulnerable to rising interest rates.  That's why the Bank of Japan has held rates near zero, despite the rest of the Western world ratcheting rates 250 to 450 basis points higher.
The rapid growth in that interest rate spread promotes the flight of capital OUT of Japan, and in search of higher yield.  And the pain of that dynamic is only compounded by speculative capital trading the direction of those capital flows (i.e. out of Japanese assets, out of the yen).  
Add to this, with inflation rising to four-decade highs in Japan, the Japanese government bond (JGB) market would be in sharp decline IF it were left to market forces.  
But as we know, the Bank of Japan is in control of the government bond market.  It is keeping a lid on JGB yields, through its "yield curve control" program.  The question is: Are they losing control? 
Will the selling pressure in JGBs become so great, in combination with the broader market forces of inflation and higher global interest rates, that the Bank of Japan is forced to back off, at some point, and let its bond market go (i.e. let market forces determine the appropriate interest rate)?
The Bank of Japan is meeting now, and will decide on monetary policy tonight (Wednesday afternoon in Japan).  This may not be a graceful exit of emergency polices by the Bank of Japan. 
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January 13, 2023
We end the week with stocks on the highs, and (still) trading into this big trend line that represents the bear market of last year. 

We had a positive catalyst for stocks on Thursday, with the weak inflation report.  And we had another positive catalyst today, as the big banks kicked off Q4 earnings season with solid performance.
Three of the four big banks beat earnings estimates.  But each also set aside more reserves for potential loan losses — to the tune of $2.25 billion (between the four).  And that is added to what is already a war chest of capital that remains in the coffers from the worst of the pandemic period.  
If we add back these new Q4 allowances for potential loan losses, all four of the biggest four banks in the country would have beat earnings estimates, AND improved on the earnings from the same period a year ago.  
So, as we discussed yesterday, Wall Street has been wrong on Q4 economic growth, and based on the bank reports today, it’s a safe bet that they have undershot on earnings growth in Q4.
Let’s take a look at gold …
Gold has been on a tear, up nearly 6% on the year, already.  It closed on the highs today, and at the highest level since April of last year.  It’s only $150 from the record highs.
Is gold finally signaling that the unsustainable global sovereign debt bubble is going to be pricked this year?  Maybe. 
And it may come from Japan.  Japan has been fighting the deflationary vortex for the better part of the past thirty years.  They’ve printed yen, and inflated debt, with no inflationary consequences — until now.
In fact, the post-covid global inflationary environment may prove to have been the perfect storm for stoking inflation in Japan. Inflation is running at a four decade high, and the Bank of Japan looks like it may lose control of the Japanese government bond market (JGBs). 
The Bank of Japan has been intervening, daily, trying to contain the yield on 10-year JGBs to 50 basis points (part of their "yield curve control" program).  
The question is:  If they back off of this band, altogether, how low will the value of JGBs fall, and how fast? 
I suspect that's why gold is heading for record highs.   
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January 12, 2023
We’ve spent the week talking about the setup for a weak inflation report, and a bullish breakout in stocks. 
​We got the former this morning.  The latter is yet to be determined. 
As expected, there were well-placed Fed speakers, lined up, following this morning’s inflation data, ready to counter the optimism about the prospects of a less restrictive Fed, with promises that they would not be less restrictive.  
But the credibility of the Fed’s tough talk is rapidly deteriorating, as the monthly change in prices, over the past seven months, averages to just 0.12%.  Annualize that, and inflation has been running below the Fed’s 2% inflation target, for many months now.
The focus now turns to earnings and the health of the economy.  
How much damage has the Fed done to consumer and business behaviors?
Earnings season will kick off tomorrow, with Q4 reports from all of the big banks.  Head of the largest bank, Jamie Dimon, said earlier in the week that the consumer is still strong, balance sheets are in good shape, and “they are spending more than pre-covid.”
Those comments give us nice clues on what the banks should say tomorrow. 
With this in mind, let’s take a look at how the economy performed during this Q4 period.

As you can see in the above, the Atlanta Fed's model (the green line) has Q4 GDP growth at better than 4% annualized.  Importantly, you can see in the same chart that Wall Street's projection (the blue line) has been much lower, all along the way.
With that in mind, if we look at Q4 earnings expectations, it should be no surprise that the Wall Street analyst community has spent the past several months dialing down earnings expectations for Q4.  They've gone from expecting 3.5% earnings growth (back in September), to the expectation of a 4.1% decline now.
So, we'll see in the coming weeks, if the street was as wrong on earnings as they appear to have been on Q4 growth.
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January 11, 2023
We head into tomorrow's huge inflation report, with stocks closing on the 200-day moving average (the purple line in the chart below).  And trading just below this trendline (yellow) that represents the bear market of 2022.

A weak inflation number tomorrow, would be a clear catalyst for a bullish technical break out in stocks.
Let's take a look at the CPI index …
You can see in this chart, inflation over the past six months on this headline index has already leveled off.  The rate-of-change in prices, inflation, has clearly been curtailed.  That's good!
But even if tomorrow is a seventh consecutive month of mild monthly inflation, when measured against the low base of twelve months ago, it's still a big number (and will be for months ahead).   In fact, even if the November to December change in prices within this index, were zero, the year-over-year inflation would still be 6.8% inflation.  This the "base effect" that the Fed once used, back in 2021, to dismiss inflation as "transitory."
Bottom line, what matters is the monthly change in prices. With that, let's look at some inputs into CPI that we know.  Will it be weak? 
First, gas prices:  The Energy Information Administration (EIA) does a weekly survey of gas stations across the country.  Those survey results show a decline in gas prices by about 8% in December (and down 35% since June). Transportation carries almost a 1/5th weighting in the CPI calculation.
Used Cars:  The Manheim used car price index was UP less than 1% in December.  That breaks a sixth months of consecutive price declines.  Overall used car prices were down 15% from the beginning of the year.
New Car prices:  Cox Automotive says average new car prices were up 1.9% in December..
Rents:  The Apartment List Rent Report showed a fourth consecutive monthly decline in rents, down 0.8%.
House prices: says the median house price was up 1.3% from November to December.  That's down 8% from the June peak.  What about mortgage rates?  Mortgage rates finished December about 17 basis points higher than the month prior.
And we know from the ISM services report, released earlier this week, services prices were down in December.
Food is the only big component remaining:  This has been a hot area of the inflation report this year, finally showing some signs of cooling in November. As a proxy, the FAO Food Price Index, which measures global food prices, fell in December for a ninth consecutive month.
So, the price data look mixed in December.  But as we know, the government data tends to be stale.  If we look back at end of November data, from these same sources listed above, prices were broadly declining.      
With all of this in mind, by no coincidence, the Fed has three officials (speakers) on the calendar before midday tomorrow. 
We should expect them to continue doing what they've been doing:  Combatting optimism, with threats of higher rates at the economy and financial markets, in order to keep a lid on confidence. 
As we discussed yesterday, with the 10-year yield at 3.55% heading into tomorrow's number, the bond market isn't in agreement with the Fed's narrative.  That gives courage to stock investors.  

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January 10, 2023
As we discussed yesterday, we should expect a big reaction in stocks from this Thursday’s inflation report.
The history of the past four months would suggest so (something on the order of 5%).  
And with the inflation data trending toward a soft, if not negative, monthly change in inflation, it sets ups for a bullish breakout in stocks. 

As you can see in the above chart, stocks were testing this big trend line (in yellow) and the 200-day moving average (in purple) last month, heading into the CPI report.  The number came in soft.  But the Fed meeting was a day later, and they attempted to crush any optimism about an end to the tightening cycle. Stocks went lower. 
The stock market bought the message the Fed was selling.  But the bond market didn’t.
At today’s close the 10-year yield is 150 basis points below where the Fed is projecting the Fed Funds rate at year end.  As the bond king, Bill Gross, points out, the historical average spread is just 90 basis points.  
If the bond market is right, the stock market is going higher (breaking out of this downtrend). 

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January 9, 2023
Remember, on Friday the ISM services report showed a decline in December services prices
As you can see in the chart below, the decline in the prices paid in this area of the economy has been dramatic, nearly returning to December 2020 levels — and the fall has been even faster than the rise (of last year). 

Also remember, it has been inflation in this area of the economy (services) that the Fed has highlighted, as justification for its guidance on the rate path (higher). 
Now, with the above chart in mind, it's logical to think that softening services inflation will make its way into the government's inflation report soon, perhaps in the December report that will be released this Thursday.
This, as inflation data has already been trending toward a monthly negative price change (i.e. deflation).  Still, the Fed continues to put officials in front of cameras to talk about how committed they are to raising rates above 5% (another 100 bps). 
This sets up for a very interesting CPI report on Thursday.
Expect a massive move in stocks. 
Remember, the last four of these reports have resulted in a daily trading range in stocks (S&P futures) with a magnitude that has historically only been associated with very significant events:  a 5.8% range on September 13th, a 5.4% range on October 13th, a 5.9% range on November 10th and a 4% range on December 13th.  

January 6, 2023

We had the December jobs report this morning.

The labor market remained tight last month, despite a Fed that has been verbally attacking jobs for the better part of the past year.

Why does the Fed want to induce a softer job market?   Wages.

In a labor supply shortage, employees should have leverage in negotiating higher wages, particularly in what has been a hot inflation environment.  With that, the Fed has feared an upward spiral in wages, where wages feed into higher prices, which feeds into higher wages … and so the self-reinforcing cycle goes.

It hasn’t happened.  Wages have well lagged the inflation of the past year.   And the wage component of the December jobs report showed no signs of trouble with wage growth.

How did markets do today?  Yields fell sharply.  Stocks were up big.

But much of the action today in markets was driven, not by jobs, but by another December report that came later in the morning.

The ISM services report showed a contraction in business activity in December, after 30 consecutive months of growth.

The last time the services industry contracted was covid.  The time before that was the Great Financial Crisis.

Related to this, take a look at the chart of services prices from this morning’s report …

This is important:  While goods prices and energy prices have been falling in the government’s inflation report, it has been services prices that have been persistently hot.  That has been the Fed’s rationale for “keeping at” the inflation fight.

As we’ve said here in my daily notes, the real-time data has been telling us for months that those services prices have been rolling over. It just hasn’t been reflected yet in the stale government inflation report.  This chart above supports that view.

And with that, the bond market is telling us that the Fed that has overdone it on rates, already.



January 5, 2023

With a split Congress we should expect Capitol Hill to be noisy, but with little-to-no action.  The latter is what matters.  No action in DC is a positive for the economy and markets, following the reckless, and inflationary policy making of the past two years.

Ignore the noise.

The catalyst for global markets and economies continues to be interest rates.

And as we discussed yesterday, we should see a much slower rate-of-change in interest rates in the U.S., relative to last year (maybe zero rate of change).  And with that, we should expect the interest rate differential between the U.S. and much of the rest of the world, to narrow (as other major central banks play catch up to the Fed’s moves of the past year).

A faster rate of change in foreign interest rates, relative to the U.S., means money will move out of the dollar (weaker dollar).

For those searching the world for value, with a catalyst, it can be found in emerging market Asia.  If history is our guide, this is likely where we will see the best stock market performance in the world over the next few years.

As of October of last year, Morgan Stanley says the decline in the MSCI Emerging Markets index had exceeded the decline in the previous 10 bear markets, including the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.  Stocks in Hong Kong have already jumped nearly 50% since (October).

And now we have a catalyst in China for the Asia trade, with the Chinese government scrapping its zero covid policy, AND stimulating (both fiscal and monetary).

January 4, 2023

On this day a year ago the stock market posted the all-time high.

If you recall, coming into 2022, the Fed, staring down the barrel of 7% inflation, told us that they would tame inflation, and land close to their target of 2% by the end of 2022.  And, they told us that they would do so while producing a 4% growth economy (well above trend) at 3.5% unemployment (near record levels) — all while keeping the Fed Funds rate under 1%.

What did they do?  They took rates above 4%, crushed growth (induced a technical recession) and didn’t get near their inflation target.

As I said in my Pro Perspectives note last year this time, a new year can often come with regime change in markets.

We had the extreme of regime change.

Not only did we go from an easing to a tightening cycle, for global monetary policy.  But we went from a long-era of low inflation, and ultra-easy money, to a high inflation, and inflation fighting policy.

We went from a fed that was a fervent defender of financial market stability, and promoter of economic prosperity, to a Fed that explicitly attacked jobs and demand, and went to great lengths to talk down the stock market (in effort to tighten financial conditions).

With that about face, for anyone looking to earn investment returns, much less preserve buying power against inflation, there were few places to hide.  Not only did stocks do poorly, but bonds did worse — an outcome with few historical reference points in down stock markets and higher uncertainty environments.

The good news:  The rate-of-change in monetary policy tightening will slow dramatically this year (and could possibly be a zero rate-of-change, which would be a positive surprise for markets).  The rate-of-change in the fiscal policy madness will be zero, with a split Congress (= gridlock).  The latter takes pressure off of the Fed.

Remember, the Fed was ready to pause on rates at 2.25% back in July.  That was before the Biden White House and democrat-controlled Congress decided to greenlight another $1 trillion-plus spending binge.  The Fed won’t get sideswiped with any more ofthese surprises, with a split Congress.

On a related note, remember, going back to 1950, there has never been a 12-month period, following a midterm election, in which stocks were down. And the average one-year return following the eighteen midterm elections of the past seventy years was 15% (about double the long-term average return of the S&P 500).

Keep in mind, markets have priced in a lot of negative expectations (from the rate path, to earnings erosion, to recession).  That sets up for positive surprises.  Stocks like positive surprises.

What is among the best performing asset coming out of a bear market in stocks?  Small cap value stocks.  That’s precisely what we hold in our Billionaire’s Portfolio (with the extra kicker of a catalyst, often from the direct influence of a billionaire investor).  We significantly outperformed broader markets in 2022, and are positioned to have an explosive bounce in 2023 (perhaps similar to what we saw in 2016, where we bounced 40 percentage points from the low point of the broader market correction — outpacing the S&P by 2 to 1).

Click here to join me, and get your portfolio in line with ours.

December 23, 2022

Yesterday, we talked about the only four data points in financial market history (dating back to 1929) where both bond market investors and stock market investors were left with losses on the year.

It happened in 1931, 1941, 1969 and 2018.  And it will happen this year.

Yesterday, we also looked at the performance of each of these major asset classes for the year AFTER having experienced this dual negative return.

Today, let’s also take a look at the valuation on stocks following these historically uncommon dual negative return years…

After a down 44% year in stocks in 1931, that left the P/E on the S&P 500 at 14 by year end (down from 17 a year prior).  In 1932, stocks followed a down year, with a down year (down 9%).

After a down 13% year in stocks in 1941, that left the P/E on the S&P 500 at 8 by year end (down from 10 a year prior).  In 1942, stocks followed a down year, with an up year (up 19%).

After a down 8% year in stocks in 1969, that left the P/E on the S&P 500 at 16 by year end (down from 18 a year prior).  In 1970, stocks followed a down year, with an up year (up 4%).

After a down 4% year in stocks in 2018, that left the P/E on the S&P 500 at 20 by year end (down from 25 a year prior). In 2019, stocks followed a down year, with an up year (up 31%).

Notably, both the end of 1969 and the end of 2018 were peaks in rate tightening cycles.

Fast forward to 2022:  Stocks are down close to 20%.  And we will head into 2023 with a trailing twelve month P/E of 19. That’s down from 29 a year ago.  And we are near, if not at, the peak in the rate tightening cycle.

This will be my last Pro Perspectives note for the year.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of my dailynotes.  I want to extend my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

If you are not a member my premium service, the Billionaire’s Portfolio, I’d like to invite you to join me. I think you’ll find it extremely valuable as we continue to step through an increasingly complicated investing environment, where good stock analysis and sector allocation will be paramount.  You can get involved by clicking here.

