
Most Important Market In The World Right Now: German Yields

  June 10, 2016, 4:00pm EST On Wednesday we talked about the most important market in the world, right now.  It's…

Natural Gas Pop Could Fuel Big Moves In Energy Companies

and Will Meade June 9, 2016, 4:00pm EST On Tuesday we talked about the quiet bull market in  commodities. Today we want…

Second Chance On Bill Gross’ ‘Short Of A Lifetime’

  June 8, 2016, 2:00pm EST We've talked about the bullish technical break occurring in stocks.  That's continuing again today. Remember, a…

Meet The Bull Market In Commodities

  June 7, 2016, 5:00pm EST Yesterday we talked about the bullish technical breakout shaping up in stocks.  Today we want to…

Stocks Are Technically Breaking Out

  June 6, 2016, 4:00pm EST We talked last week about the employment data.  It was broadly thought to be disappointing.…

Buying The Dip On Jobs Data

6/3/16 As we discussed earlier in the week, market participants are trained to be fixated on the monthly jobs data.…

The G7 Effect On Stocks. It’s Big.

  May 27, 2016, 11:40am EST As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, we want to talk today about the…

Bull Market: Why You Should Fear Missing Out

  May 25, 2016, 3:30pm EST We charted very closely the risks of the oil price bust.  We thought central banks…

Second Half For Stocks Could Be Very Good

As we head into Memorial Day weekend and stocks (S&P 500) have crossed back over into positive territory again for the…

The Carl Icahn Effect

  May 23, 2016, 5:00pm EST Last week we talked about Warren Buffett’s new stake in Apple.  Today we want to…