Last week we talked a lot about the German bund yield, the most important market in the world right now. Today we want to talk about how to trade it.
The best investors in the world love asymmetric bets (limited downside and virtually, if not literally, unlimited upside). That’s the true recipe to building huge wealth. And there is no better asymmetric bet in the world right now than the German 10-year bund.
With that in mind, in recent weeks, we’ve revisited Bill Gross’ statement last year, when the 10-year government bond yields in Germany were flirting with zero the first time. He called it the “short of a lifetime” to be short the price of German bunds – looking for yields to bounce back. It happened. And it happened aggressively. Within two months the German 10 year yield rocketed from 6 basis points to over 100 basis points (over 1%). But even Gross himself wasn’t on board to the extent he wanted to be. The bounce was so fast, it left a lot of the visionaries of this trade behind.
But over the past year, it’s all come back.
Is it a second chance? German yields are hovering just a touch above zero — threatening to break into negative yield territory for one of the world’s most important government bond markets.
As we said on Friday, the zero line on the German 10-year government bond yield is huge psychological marker for perceived value and credibility of the ECB’s QE efforts. And that has huge consequences, not just for Europe, but for the global economy.
Given the importance of this level (regarding ECB credibility), it’s no surprise that the zero line isn’t giving way easily. This is precisely why Bill Gross called it the “short of a lifetime.” With that, let’s take a look at the incredible risk/reward this represents, and a simple way that one might trade it.
There is a euro bund future (symbol GBL) that tracks the price of the German 10-year bund. Right now, you can trade 1 contract of the German bund future at a value of 164,770 euros by putting up margin of 3,800 euros (the overnight margin at a leading retail broker). If you went short the bund future, here are some potential scenarios:
If you break the zero line in yield, the euro bund future would trade up to about 165.50 (it currently trade 164.77). If you stopped out on a break of zero in yield, you lose 730 euros (about $820 per contract). If the zero line doesn’t breach, and yields do indeed bounce from here, you make about 1,500 euros for every 10 basis point move higher in the German 10-year bund yield.
For example, on a bounce back to 32 basis points, where we stood on March 15th, the profit on your short position would be about 4,600 euros (or about $5,200). If German bund yields don’t breach zero and bounce back to 1%, where it traded just a year ago, you would make about 15,000 euros ($16,900) per contract on your initial risk of $820 – a 20 to 1 winner. Of course, there are margin costs to consider, given the holding period of the trade, but in a zero rate world, it’s relatively small.
If you’re wrong, and the German 10-year yield breaches zero, you’ll know it soon.
To follow our big picture views and our hand selected portfolio of the best stocks owned by the best billionaire investors in the world, join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio.
On Wednesday we talked about the most important market in the world, right now. It’s German bunds.
The yield on the 10-year German bund had traded to new record lows, getting just basis points away from the zero line, and thus from crossing into negative yield territory for the 10-year German government bond. That has inched even closer over the past two days, touching as low as 1 basis point today.
Not surprisingly, stocks sold off today. Volatility rose. Commodities backed off. And the broader mood about global economic stability heads into the weekend on the back foot. For perspective, though, U.S. stocks ran to new 2016 highs this week, and are sniffing very close to record highs again. Oil and commodities have been strong, and the broad outlook for the economy and markets look good (absent an economic shock).
What’s happening? Of course, the vote that is coming later this month in the UK, on whether or not UK citizens will vote to ‘Stay’ in the European Union or ‘Leave’ continues to bubble up speculation on the outcome. That creates uncertainty. But the real reason rates are sliding is that the European Central Bank is in buying, not just government bonds, but now corporate bonds too. The QE tool box has been expanded. That naturally drives bond prices higher and yields lower. But the question is, will it translate into a bullish economic impact (i.e. the money the ECB is pumping into the economy resulting in investing, spending, hiring, borrowing). As we discussed on Wednesday, it’s the anticipation of that result that sent rates higher in the U.S. when the Fed was in, outright buying assets, in its three rounds of QE.
With that, the most important marker in the world for financial markets (and economies) in the coming days, remains, the zero line on the German 10-year government bond yield. Draghi has already told us, outright, that they will not take benchmark rates negative (as Japan did). That makes this zero line a huge psychological marker for perceived value of the ECB’s QE efforts.
With this in mind, we head into a Fed meeting next week. The Fed has done its job in managing down expectations of a hike next week. With that, they have no risk in holding off until next month so that they can see the outcome of the stay/leave vote in the UK. And, as we’ve discussed, the Bank of Japan follows the Fed on Wednesday night with a decision on monetary policy. They are in the sweet spot to act, not only to reinvigorate the weak yen trend and strong stock trend in Japan, but to add further stimulus and perception of stability to the global economy. We think we will see that happen.
Join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolioandfollow the lead of the best billionaire investors in the world. Learn more here.
On Tuesday we talked about the quiet bull market in commodities. Today we want to talk about one specific commodity that has been lagging the sharp rebound in oil, but is starting to make a big-time move. It’s natural gas. And this is an area with some beaten up stocks that have the potential for huge bounce backs.
Natural gas today was up almost 6% to a six month high. The U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its weekly report that natural gas storage rose less than what analysts had forecast. But that was just an extra kick for a market that has been moving aggressively higher in the past NINE days (up 37% in nine days).
Now, we should note, nat gas is a market that has some incredible swings. Over the past three years it has traded as high as $6.50 and as low as $1.64.
For perspective on the wild swings, take a look at this long term chart.
You can see we’re coming off of a very low base. And the moves in this commodity can be dramatic.
Three months ago natural gas was continuing to slide, even as oil was staging a big bounce. But natural gas has now bounced 58% after sniffing around near the all-time lows. Meanwhile, oil has doubled.
Based on the backdrop for oil, broader commodities, the economy we’ve been discussing, and the acknowledging the history of natural gas prices, we could be looking at early stages of a big run in nat gas prices.
Summer is one of the most volatile periods for natural gas with the combination of heat waves, hurricanes and potential weather pattern shifts such as La Nina. During the summer months, a 50% move in the price of natural gas is not uncommon. Another 50% rise by the end of the summer would put it around $4. And four bucks is near the midpoint of the $6.50 – $1.65 range of the past three years.
Billionaires investor David Einhorn has also perked up to the bull scenario in nat gas. In his most recent investor letter his big macro trade this year is long natural gas. Here’s what he had to say: “Natural gas prices are not high enough to justify drilling in all but the very best locations. The industry has responded by dramatically reducing drilling activity. As existing wells deplete, supplies should fall. The high cost of liquefying and transporting natural gas limits competition to North American sources. Current inventories are high following a period of over-drilling and a record warm winter. However, the excess inventory is only a couple percent of annual production, which has already begun to decline. Normal weather combined with lower production could lead to a shortage within a year.”
This all contributes to the bullish action we’re seeing across commodities, led by the bounceback in oil. The surviving companies of the energy price bust have been staging big comebacks, but could have a lot further to go on a run up in nat gas prices.
In our Billionaires Portfolio, we have an ETF that has 100% exposure to oil and natural gas – one we think will double by next year. Join us today and get our full recommendation on this ETF, and get your portfolio in line with our Billionaire’s Portfolio.
We’ve talked about the bullish technical break occurring in stocks. That’s continuing again today.
Remember, a week from this past Friday we talked about the G7 (G8) effect on stocks. We stepped back through every annual meeting of world leaders since 2009. And the results were clear. If the communiqué from the meetings focused on concerns about the global economy, stocks went higher. It’s that simple.
Why? In the post Great Recession world, stocks are the key barometer of global confidence. Higher stocks can help promote economic recovery (better confidence, higher wealth effect). Lower stocks can derail it, and threaten a bigger downturn, if not fatal blow to the global economy.
Policymakers can and do influence stocks. And thus, when we’ve seen clear messaging from these meetings about global economic concerns, stocks have done well (in most cases, very well).
With all of this said, on May 27th, from the meeting in Japan, the G7 issued their communiqué and it started with global growth concerns. They said, “Global growth is our urgent priority.” The S&P 500 closed at 2099. Today it’s trading 2116 and is closing in on the all-time highs set in May of last year (less than 1% away).
Now, we talked in past months about the importance of Europe. The Fed’s best friend (and the global economy’s best friend) is an improving economy in Europe. We’ve seen some positive surprises in the data out of Europe, but the actions taken this morning by the ECB could be the real catalyst to get the ball rolling — to mark the bottom, to get Europe out of the slow-to-no growth, deflation funk.
They ECB started implementing a new piece to its QE program today. Of course, they promised bigger and bolder QE back in March (mostly as a response to the cheap oil threat). Today they started buying corporate bonds as part of that ramped-up QE plan.
With that, this is a very important observation to keep in mind. Over the history of the Fed’s three rounds of QE, when the Fed telegraphed QE, rates went lower. When they began the actual execution of QE (actually buying bonds), rates went HIGHER, not lower (contrary to popular expectations). Why? Because the market began pricing in a better economic outlook, given the Fed’s actions. We think we could see this play out in Europe as well.
Take a look at this chart of German yields. This is probably the most important chart in the world to watch over the next several days.
The German 10-year yield traded as low as 3 basis points (that’s earning 30 euros a year for every 100,000 euros you loan the German government, for 10 years). Of course, the most important visual in this chart is how close the German 10-year yield is to zero (the white line), and then negative rates.
Remember, we’ve said before that Draghi and the ECB have made it clear that they won’t cut their benchmark rate below zero. And “that should keep the 10–year yield ABOVE zero.” Were we right? We’ll find out very soon. If so, and if German yields put in a low today on the “actual execution” of the ECB’s new corporate bond buying program, then U.S. yields would be at bottom a here too.
You can see in the above chart, it’s a make or break level for the U.S. 10 year yield as well (as it is tracking German yields at this stage). While lower yields from here in these two key markets might sound great to some, it comes with a lot of problems, not the least of which is a negative message about the outlook for the global economy and thus damage to global confidence. Keep an eye on German yields, the most important market to watch in the coming days.
This Stock Could Triple This Month
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio we followed the number one performing hedge fund on the planet into a stock that has the potential to triple by the end of the month.
This fund returned an incredible 52% last year, while the S&P 500 was flat. And since 1999, they’ve done 40% a year. And they’ve done it without one losing year. For perspective, that takes every $100,000 to $30 million.
We want you on board. To find out the name of this hedge fund, the stock we followed them into, and the catalyst that could cause the stock to triple by the end of the month, click here and join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio.
We make investing easy. We follow the guys with the power and the influence to control their own destiny – and a record of unmatchable success. And you come along for the ride.
We talked last week about the employment data. It was broadly thought to be disappointing. Even though the headline unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%, the job creation number was weak.
So stocks fell sharply following Friday’s numbers. The dollar fell. And Treasuries rose (yields lower). All of this immediately priced in a gloomier outlook and a Fed that would hold off on a June rate hike.
But remember we discussed how market professionals are trained to hyper-focus on the jobs numbers, even though the jobs numbers are far less important than they are in “normal” times. And with that, we said “it’s probably a good idea to use those moves as opportunities to enter at better levels (i.e. buy stocks, buy the dollar, sell Treasuries).”
That’s played out fairly well today, at least for stocks (the dollar is mixed, yields are quiet). Stocks have recovered and surpassed the pre-employment data levels of Friday morning. Small cap stocks are now trading to the highest levels of the year.
Remember, in the past two weeks we’ve talked about the similarities in stocks to 2010. Through the first half of this year, we’ve had the macro clouds of China and an oil price bust that shook market and economic confidence. Back in 2010, it was Greece and a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. When the macro clouds lifted in 2010, the Russell 2000 went on a tear from down 7% to finish up 27% for the year. This time around, the Russell has already bounced back from down 17% to up 4%. And technically, it looks like stocks could just be breaking out.
You can see the long term trend dating back to 2009 is still intact following the correction earlier this year. And the trendline that describes the correction has now broken.
As for broader stocks (the S&P 500), the chart looks intriguing too.
Similarly, the trend off of the bottom in the S&P 500 is clear, and a breakout toward new highs looks like it is upon us. New highs in stocks would get a LOT of money off of the sidelines.
With all of the above said, Yellen had a chance to respond to the Friday jobs number today, through a prepared speech for the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia. She downplayed the Friday numbers, highlighted the passing of global risks from earlier in the year, but she did note the Brexit risk (the coming UK vote on leaving/staying in the EU).
With that, perhaps they will use the market sentiment adjustment from the jobs data to their advantage, to justify passing on a June hike in favor of July.
That would give them a chance to see the outcome of the UK vote, and perhaps give them a chance to hike into positive momentum created by another round of stimulus from the BOJ (a possibility next week). Waiting another month is a low risk move. But again, we think the UK leaving the EU can’t happen/won’t happen – maybe down the road, but not now. Despite the popular polling reports, the experts are assigning a low probability. Plus, there has already been clear political messaging attempting to influence the outcome, and we expect that will increase dramatically as the vote approaches (June 23).
Don’t Miss Out On This Stock
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio we followed the number one performing hedge fund on the planet into a stock that has the potential to triple by the end of the month.
This fund returned an incredible 52% last year, while the S&P 500 was flat. And since 1999, they’ve done 40% a year. And they’ve done it without one losing year. For perspective, that takes every $100,000 to $30 million.
We want you on board. To find out the name of this hedge fund, the stock we followed them into, and the catalyst that could cause the stock to triple by the end of the month, click here and join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio.
We make investing easy. We follow the guys with the power and the influence to control their own destiny – and a record of unmatchable success. And you come along for the ride.
As we discussed earlier in the week, market participants are trained to be fixated on the monthly jobs data. That was evident in today’s market reaction, as it always is. The payroll number, the number professional investors have been trained to trade, was weak this morning. The unemployment number, on the other hand, was at best levels since November 2007.
In normal times, the jobs data is probably the single most informative data point, where you can see signals of heating up or cooling down in the economy. But of course, we haven’t been in a “normal” economy in a long time.
Still, in recent years, the U.S. jobs data has remained, bar none, the biggest single data point in the world. Why? Because the Fed explicitly told us that they wanted to see the unemployment rate at 6% before they would consider the first steps of removing emergency policies. And because the Fed was the Captain of the globally concerted policies that saved the global economy from an apocalypse, the Fed was also broadly depended upon to lead the world OUT of emergency policies.
But even after seeing dramatic improvements in the key jobs data that the Fed was targeting, meeting the target and then exceeded the target, they have still been very slow on the path of “normalization.”
Now they’ve told us the jobs data are in a good place, relative to their current policy position (i.e. rates should be, not normal, but quite a bit higher by now). But the Fed has run into other obstacles they didn’t foresee when they began their “jobs targeting” campaign: 1) they underestimated the deflationary impact of the global debt crisis, 2) somewhat related, they underestimated the lack of leverage on wages employees would have in dramatically improved job market, and 2) they underestimated the weakness in the global economy and the vulnerability of the U.S. economy to shocks outside of the U.S.
Broadly speaking, the Fed’s rate decision and, consequently, their message to the world about their confidence in the economy going forward, hasn’t been about jobs for a while. With that, the hyper-focus that market participants continue to give to the data every month seems to be wildly misplaced (for now).
So when we see a weak payroll number, as we did this morning, and the knee-jerk selling from the professional trading community sends stocks lower, Treasuries higher and the dollar lower, it’s probably a good idea to use those moves as opportunities to enter at better levels (i.e. buy stocks, buy the dollar, sell Treasuries).
If we step back a bit and think about the bigger picture, we have a Fed that is considering rate hikes because the economy is doing better (emerging from crisis and robust enough to withstand the removal of emergency policies).
And, as we said, the Fed is leading the way, globally. That is a very positive message for stocks and a very negative message for Treasuries (i.e. rates are going higher, prices will be going lower). As for the dollar, we have a Fed going one way, and Europe and Japan going a distinctly opposite direction (full-throttle QE). That’s squarely positive for the dollar as capital flows away from easing policies (Europe and Japan) and toward yield (U.S. assets).
As we head into Memorial Day weekend and stocks (S&P 500) have crossed back over into positive territory again for the year, we want to step back and acknowledge the relative calm in global markets and economies, compared to where we stood just three months ago, and talk about how different the second half is setting up to be.
Remember, just three months ago the S&P 500 was down 11.4%. Small cap stocks were down 17%. When stocks go lower, people predict crashes. They did. Oil was trading $26 and some bold people were predicting much lower – and lower for a very long time.
Sure, the world was a scary place when oil was $26. But we had a binary outcome on our hands. If oil continued to go lower, and for much longer, the energy industry was done, and the dominoes were lining up. We faced another wave of global economic and financial crisis that would have made the “great recession” look modest.
But if you stepped back and weighed the probability of the outcomes, the evidence was clearly supporting a recovery, not another date with global disaster.
Just days prior to February 11, when oil and global stocks bottomed, we said “a rigged oil market has the ingredients to undo all that the central banks have done for the past nine years to get us to this point. With that, we expect that, as intervention has stemmed the threat of everything that could have derailed recovery up to this point, intervention will be what stems the threat of the falling oil and commodity prices threat.”
The central banks manufactured a recovery from the edge of disaster in 2009. They went “all-in.” It would be illogical to think they would sit back and watch it all undone by an oil price bust, one that was orchestrated by OPEC in an effort to crush the competitive shale industry.
We already knew how far the world’s biggest central banks would go to preserve stability (perhaps civilization). They would do pretty much anything — “whatever it takes” in their own words.
So what marked the bottom for oil? Not surprisingly, it was intervention.
If we fast forward to today, with the trend of positive surprises in European data leading the way, it’s fair to say the state of global markets is getting closer to good.
What does that mean for stocks?
If we look back at 2010 we can see a lot of similarities. Stocks were hammered in the first half of 2010 by the potential default of Greece – and for energy stocks, the oil spill in the Gulf. The macro clouds were removed, and in the second half of 2010, the S&P 500 rallied from down 7% to up 15% by year end.
The Russell 2000 was down 6% for the year through July of 2010. Over the next five months it rallied 34 percentage points to finish UP 27% on the year.
What about energy? After being down 12% in the first half of 2010, the XLE (the energy ETF tied to a basket of energy stocks) returned 34% off the bottom and 22% for the year.
Also remember, in Fed tightening cycles, stocks tend to go UP not down. We’re officially five months into a Fed tightening cycle stocks are basically flat.
Don’t Miss Out On This Stock
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio we followed the number one performing hedge fund on the planet into a stock that has the potential to triple by the end of the month.
This fund returned an incredible 52% last year, while the S&P 500 was flat. And since 1999, they’ve done 40% a year. And they’ve done it without one losing year. For perspective, that takes every $100,000 to $30 million.
We want you on board. To find out the name of this hedge fund, the stock we followed them into, and the catalyst that could cause the stock to triple by the end of the month, click here and join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio.
We make investing easy. We follow the guys with the power and the influence to control their own destiny – and a record of unmatchable success. And you come along for the ride.
As we’ve discussed over the past few months, markets can be wrong—sometimes very wrong.
On that note, consider that the yield on the U.S. ten–year Treasury was trading closer to 2.30% after the Fed’s first rate hike last December—the first hike in nearly ten years and the symbolic move away from the emergency zero interest rate policy. The ten–year yield has, incredulously, traded as low as 1.53% since. One end of that spectrum is wrong, very wrong.
Remember, as we headed into the last Fed meeting, the ten–year yield was trading just shy of 2% (after a wild ride down from the December hike date). And the communication to that point from the Fed was to expect FOUR rate hikes in 2016.
Of course, in the face of another global economic crisis threat, which was driven by the oil price bust, the Fed did their part and backed off of that forecast—taking two of those hikes off of the table. Still, yields under 2% with even two hikes projected seemed mispriced.
So following a dramatic 85% bounce in oil prices and the threat of cheap oil now behind us (seemingly), as of yesterday afternoon yields still stood around just 1.79%. That’s more than a 1/2 percentage point lower than the levels immediately following the December hike. And that’s AFTER two voting Fed members just said on Tuesday that they should go two or threetimes this year. So with global risks abating, the Fed is beginning to walk back up expectations for Fed hikes.
Confirming that, as of yesterday afternoon, the minutes from the most recent Fed meeting have been disclosed, which now indicate that a June hike is likely assuming things continue along the current path (i.e. no global shock risks emerge).
Still, the yield on the ten–year Treasury is just 1.84%, 5 basis points higher than it was yesterday morning, prior to the Fed minutes.
The bet is that the Fed is making a mistake raising rates (at all). But at these levels for the ten–year yield, it’s a very asymmetric bet. The downside for yields here is very limited (short of a global apocalypse), the upside is very big. That makes betting on lower yields a very dangerous one, if not a dumb one. When people are positioned the wrong way in asymmetric trades, the adverse moves tend to be violent. I wouldn’t be surprised to see 2.50% on the U.S. ten–year Treasury by the year end.
Don’t Miss Out On This Stock
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio we followed the number one performing hedge fund on the planet into a stock that has the potential to triple by the end of the month.
This fund returned an incredible 52% last year, while the S&P 500 was flat. And since 1999, they’ve done 40% a year. And they’ve done it without one losing year. For perspective, that takes every $100,000 to $30 million.
We want you on board. To find out the name of this hedge fund, the stock we followed them into, and the catalyst that could cause the stock to triple by the end of the month, click here and join us in our Billionaires Portfolio.
We make investing easy. We follow the guys with the power and the influence to control their own destiny – and a record of unmatchable success. And you come along for the ride.
Heading into today’s inflation data, the prospects of German 10-year government interest rates going negative had added to the heightened risk aversion in global markets. And we’ve been talking this week about how markets are set up for a positive surprise on the inflation front, which could further support the mending of global confidence.
On cue, the euro zone inflation data this morning (the most important data point on inflation in the world right now) came in better than expected. We know Europe, like Japan, is throwing the kitchen sink of extraordinary monetary policies at the economy in an effort to reverse economic stagnation and another steep fall into deflation. And we know that the path forward in Europe, at this stage, will directly affect that path forward in the U.S. and global economy. So, as we said in one of our notes last week, the world needs to see “green shoots” in Europe.
With the better euro zone inflation data today, we may be seeing the early signs of a bottom in this cycle of global pessimism and uncertainty. German yields are now trading double the levels of Monday. And with that, U.S. yields have broken the downtrend of the month, as you can see in the chart below.
Source: Billionaire’s Portfolio, Reuters
With that in mind, today we want to talk about how we can increase certainty in an uncertain world. Aside from the all-important macro influences, even when you get the macro right, when your investing in stocks, you also have to get a lot of other things right, to avoid the landmines and extract something more than what the broad tide of the stock market gives you (which is about 8% annualized over the long term, and it comes with big drawdowns and a very bumpy road).
In our Billionaire’s Portfolio, we like to put the odds on our side as much as possible. We do so by following big, influential investors into stocks where they’ve already taken a huge stake in a company, and are wielding their influence and power to maximize the probability that they will exit with a nice profit.
This is the perfect time to join us in our Billionaire’s Portfolio. We’ve discussed our simple analysis on why broader stocks can and should go much higher from here. You can revisit some of that analysis here. In our current portfolio, we have stocks that are up. We have stocks that are down. We have stocks that are relatively flat. But they all have the potential to do multiples of what the broad market does. And for depressed billionaire-owned stocks, a broad market rally and shift in economic sentiment should make these stocks perform like leveraged call options – importantly, without the time decay. Join us hereto get your portfolio in line with ours.
Buffett’s famed annual letter is due to be released this weekend. With that, today we want to talk a bit about his record, his philosophy on markets and successful investing and the high conviction stocks that he has in his $130 billion plus Berkshire Hathaway stock portfolio.
First, only one living investor has a length of track record that can compare to Buffett’s. That’s fellow billionaire Carl Icahn. Icahn actually has a better record than Buffett, and it spans a little longer. But he gets a fraction of the attention of the man they call the Oracle of Omaha.(more…)