Four Biotech Stocks That Could Return 200% Or More

Every week I like to run a scan for stocks that are selling at a huge discount to analyst consensus price targets. I use the following parameters for my screen:

1) Market Cap has to be greater than $100 Million.
2) There has to be more than three analysts covering the stock.
3) There has to be more than three analysts that have a price target on the stock.

The following four stocks have an average analyst price target that is greater than or equal to 200% higher than its current share price. Here they are:

1) Immunocellar, Symbol (IMUC) has a current share price $2.78. Consensus analyst target price is $10.25. Projected return 268%.

2) Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc, Symbol (MACK) has a current share price $3.47. Consensus analyst target price is $12.00. Projected return 245%.

3) Threshold Pharmaceuticals Inc, Symbol (THLD) has a current share price $4.37. Consensus analyst target price is $13.50. Projected return 208%.

4) OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc, Symbol (OGXI) has a current share price $8.88. Consensus analyst target price is $26.90. Projected return 202%.

William Meade
President, Billionaires Portfolio

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