Pro Perspectives 8/28/24






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August 28, 2024

Today we heard earnings from Nvidia, the most important company in the world.

The state of the new industrial revolution is well intact. 

But we already knew that.  We heard last month from all of the tech giants that are working on the frontier of generative AI (Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Meta, Alphabet).

And they told us, 1) the price to build generative AI computing capacity continues to go up … 2) they will spend whatever it takes on the infrastructure … 3) the AI model intelligence continues to rapidly advance, and … 4) the stage of the technology revolution is still very “early.

So, given that they are all buying as many GPUs from Nvidia (the gold standard) as the company can produce, it was fair to expect another good report from Nvidia. 

With that, for Q2, Nvidia reported this afternoon.  And it was the fifth consecutive quarter of triple-digit year-over-year revenue growth.

That has taken quarterly revenue from $6 billion to $30 billion in just a year-and-a-half. 
Here’s what that looks like in a chart …

This explosive revenue growth has also been accompanied by explosive growth in profitability (a tripling of operating margins).

 And with that, even though the price of Nvidia shares has skyrocketed over the past five quarters (chart below), the share price relative to its earnings power is cheaper today than it was five quarters ago (i.e. the earnings growth has outpaced even the torrid share price growth). 

But as we discussed yesterday, the valuation dynamic for Nvidia is changing.

The quarterly growth is no longer outpacing the share price growth.

And with that, after today’s report, the stock is trading at 47 times annualized quarterly eps.  

It’s not cheap. 

Moreover, it won’t be a triple-digit revenue grower much longer, because of this …

If we look at the trend in the quarterly change in revenues (chart above), Nvidia seems to be on a rhythm of consistently adding $4 billion a quarter in new revenue.  

That said, we already know demand is insatiable, so both the rapidly advancing technology in accelerated computing and supply constraints seem to have capped Nvidia’s growth capacity (at least at this point).  

If this trend of $4 billion a quarter of additional revenue continues, Nvidia will be growing at a year-over-year rate of closer to just 50% by this time next year (no longer triple-digits).

This should curb the enthusiasm for Nvidia shares (for the moment).  

But as Jensen Huang said in the earnings call, the second wave of this technology revolution is just starting.  

It’s enterprise AI

This is about scaling generative AI — delivering the capabilities to companies across all industries and governments.  He says every job will have an AI assistant.  It’s still very early.   

To learn more about the companies scaling generative AI to their existing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of enterprise customers, you can join us in my AI-Innovation Portfolio

Here’s how …  

The AI-Innovation Portfolio is about allocating to HIGH-GROWTH.

For $297 per quarter ($99 per month), you’ll gain exclusive access to my in-depth research, expert analysis, and timely investment recommendations focused on the Generative AI revolution.

You can join me by clicking here — get signed up, and then keep an eye out for Welcome and Getting Started emails from me.


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