Pro Perspectives 8/12/22

Pro Perspectives 8/12/22

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August 12, 2022

Stocks had a big day, to complete a fourth consecutive week of higher highs, with higher closes.
As we discussed back in my July 28th note:  The one-two punch of monetary policy adjustment (the Fed stating it had reached "neutral" on rates) and fiscal policy adjustment (not one, not two, but three new massive government spending packages), was "a green light for a resumption of the rise in asset prices." 
We're seeing it. 
If we step back a bit and look at the bigger picture, we had about a six-month period where markets priced in a world where central banks would attack inflation. 
But now it's becoming increasingly clear that both global QE and low rates are "you can never leave" scenarios.  In this post financial crisis (and post-pandemic) world, the financial system is too fragile to extract global liquidity, and sovereign debt is too fragile to raise interest rates.
With that, the policymakers are now back to flooding the economy with money.
This is a resumption of the big theme of the past two years. 
The theme:  You have to be long asset prices, to hedge against the broad rising cost of living.
If we look back at the early 80s period of inflation, where inflation averaged nearly 10% per year over a four-year period, being long stocks not only gave you a hedge, but increased your buying power by 30% over the period. Going to cash destroyed your buying power by 33% over the period. 
How To Capitalize On This Bounce in Stocks
My Billionaire's Portfolio is the only service in the world that gives the average person an opportunity to invest alongside the world’s greatest hedge funds and billionaire investors, while learning the tools of the trade along the way. It's a concept I call "piggyback” investing. 

Through the power of the internet, I get to share my insight and the moves of the best investors in the world, with investors of all levels. It gives me a chance to help empower the do-it-yourself investor. 

My strategy is rooted in finding deep value stocks owned and controlled by billionaire investors. 

The process is pretty simple. I follow the most powerful and influential investors into stocks where they control their own destiny. When they win. We win. These investors specialize in the concept of asymmetric returns–i.e. they only want to spend their time in situations where risk is defined, and the potential profit is multiples of what they pay for a stock. 

But don't go out and blindly buy every stock a big-time investor buys. 

I hand-select only my top 20 stocks to invest in, and to include in the Billionaire's Portfolio, all of which are owned and influenced by a big billionaire investor. 

As a loyal Pro Perspectives reader, I’d like to extend an invitation to join my premium advisory service. 

It’s a great deal for the money. And I think you’ll find it extremely valuable as we step through what's becoming a more complicated investing environment.  If you aren't a subscriber yet, you can click here to subscribe.  

When you do, you'll get immediate access to see our portfolio, and I'll forward along analysis on the seven cheapest stocks in our portfolio. 
Have a great weekend!

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