Pro Perspectives 12/2/20

December 2, 2020

Powell and Mnuchin have been on Capitol Hill the past two days.

Yesterday, the Fed chair said that "in the medium term there is upside risk."

"Upside risk" to the economy means, hotter growth … driving hot inflation

This is what you get when trillions of dollars in government and Fed stimulus meets the prospects of a 'return to normal' (via a vaccine). 

We've seen inflation in asset prices already.   We're going to see (more, and persistent) inflation in daily living expenses.  And to maintain the standard of living, we will have to see wage inflation (higher wages). 

This backdrop means higher market interest rates are coming.  And the government bond market is beginning to reflect it. As you can see in the chart below, the ten-year yield is threatening the break of a multi-year downtrend. This would support the thesis we discussed last month, that the vaccine announcement may have been the catalyst to end of the nearly forty-year bull market in bonds (bond prices go lower, interest rates go higher).

This theme is also very positive for gold.  And gold has given us a gift over the past few months, to buy into an 18% correction.  That correction looks like it's over now. With that, here is another look at the upside target for gold we discussed last week ($2,700) …

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