Pro Perspectives 10/21/20

October 21, 2020

We talked yesterday about the significance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in this Presidential election, and the related propaganda wars being run through traditional and social media.
There are big stakes, and plenty of influence is being peddled.
Trump stands between China and the success of their multi-decade plan to become the economic superpower of the world. 

The finish line has been in sight for the CCP.  But Trump has spent the past two years trying to stop and reverse it, using the leverage of tariffs to force China into long-term compliance on "fair trade."     

With this in mind, earlier this month we also talked about the two other major forces at work against Trump, which are likely contributors to the propaganda war. 

In addition to threatening China's path to global power, Trump has also threatened the careers of D.C. politicians

After four years in D.C., he remains an outsider.  And he's an equal opportunity career destroyer.  Democrate or republican, if you're against him, he will destroy you. 

As we've discussed, it’s safe to say they will do anything and everything to get rid of Trump.

The other force fighting against a Trump re-election, with everything they have? Climate change activists.

As we've discussed here in my daily notes, climate change activists believe that climate change is an existential threat to the world.  And the financial backing is nearly unlimited.  A group called Climate Action 100+ has the most powerful investors in the world (representing $32 trillion in assets under management).  And they have been dictating how major energy companies are deploying capital on new projects – forcing the pivot to climate responsible initiatives.  Major global government entities/cooperatives are also largely behind the activist movement, feeding the effort with cash and subsidies.   


With that, one of the top investors in Silicon Valley today said this on Twitter …

He's right!  The Biden plan will be driven by a multi-trillion clean energy plan that will completely transform the U.S. economy.  Many trillions of dollars will follow the government money.   
The biggest investors in the world have placed their bets (in on the relative ground floor), and the payoff will be huge.  They are all in, and near the finish line.  Standing in the way has been Trump.  They view Trump as a climate change denier, and therefore have explicitly said he (Trump) is an existential threat to the world. 

With that, to what extent would they go to, to remove Trump?  Whatever it takes.   

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