This Biotech Stock will make you over 1000%!


Folks, you are so lucky that I am such a giving person, connected and industrious person.  Today, I’m going to tell you about one of the best hedge funds in the world – and a stock they have just bought that can make you over 1,000%.

This hedge fund is so good, that they have returned 40% a year over the past 12-years.  That’s 40% annualized in the worst stock market period in history!

This fund has grown from $10 million to over $500 million just from compounding returns on their original $10 millions in assets.   I’ll do the math for you:  $10 million dollars compounded at 40% over 12 years equals $566 million.

Folks, I tell you time and time again, this is how you get rich.  Why don’t you listen?

You put up consistent numbers and let the power of compounding work for you.  Is that such a hard concept for you?

If you would have invested your $100,000 IRA or 401K with this hedge fund, back in 2002, you would have been retired by now.  That $100,000 would be worth over $5.6 million today.

This fund is so good they already have one stock on the books for 2013 that is up over 1,100%.  And another one is up over 500%.

Please stop watching CNBC.  Stop reading the Wall Street Journal.  That’s a recipe for staying poor.  Listen to me.  I’m trying to help you here.

To get rich, you have to bet on sure things.  And you have to invest with people who are the best in the world.  The guy who runs this hedge fund I’m telling you about is the best!  Not only is he a smart businessman, but he scored a perfect score on his math SAT, and graduated from Harvard.  Why does it matter?  It does! The numbers prove it.  Where did your broker go to school?  What was his SAT score?  My guess is that it’s lousy.  That’s why he is in sales.

I will spare you the rest.  But the bottom line:  I am here to help you.  For $297 a quarter, my subscribers have gotten, in return, over $5k in profits for every $20k they are managing, by following my picks.  Again, for those of you that spend your time trying to time the market or find great trade opportunity, I’ll make it very clear for you … $297 for $5k is a good trade.

I have had two subscribers recently write to tell me that my free picks here on this blog – my service to society – has paid for the cost of the service in less than 72 hours. And another subscriber told me he is taking his entire family to Hawaii this summer because I made him over $8000 in profits.  So there you go.

So you know the drill.  If you sign up to The Billionaires Portfolio today, I will send you the details on a hot biotech stock that the genius hedge fund manager I’ve described above, has just bought.  Like his other big winners, this stock has all of the trappings of another 1,000% winner for him.

So you will get my market crushing stock picking service, that’s up 27% in less than nine months.  I’ve told you many times on this blog that you should be putting up 30-50% a year in the stock market.  If you’re not, you’re missing out on the huge wealth-effect of compounding returns.

Listen, don’t email about the cost of the service, or if your waffling about whether or not you think it’s worth it.  If that’s the case, you are not smart enough to be one of my subscribers.

If you are smart enough to let me help you, you can sign up here: https://www.fxtraderprofessional.com/order/billionaireport/

Will Meade

President of The Billionaires Portfolio



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