How to Make 500% off this Tech Stock by August!


That’s right! I am going to tell you how to make 500% on a tech stock by August. Moreover, this trade can make money regardless of whether the market goes down or up in the next three months.

But first, I want to vent a little. Folks, there is not another blogger, newsletter, journalist, investment guru, mutual fund or money manager who has made you as much money as I have in the past four months.

Let’s review …

I made you almost 600% in Sprint (S) Call Options. I picked two stocks on this blog that were up over 100% in less than 3 months:  Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) and Trina Solar (TSL).

My partner called the declines in gold, not once, not twice, but three different times.  So if you were trading options on these blog posts, you would have made over 1000%. If you were trading ETFs you would have made over 100%.

Then, two weeks ago I called the bottom in Apple (AAPL).  Apple has done nothing but go straight up since then, even in a choppy market.

And for my encore, I just called the exact top in Facebook (FB).  And I gave you an options play that is now up more than 100% in less than three days.

Let me repeat this:  I gave you an options play on FB that is up more than 100% in three days.  Still, I get emails from people wringing their hands about stuff they read online.  Enough!  Stop emailing me if you aren’t smart enough to take advantage of what I’m giving you.  Keep following the lead of journalists.

So, let’s put this into perspective.  If you are trading a $2,000 account, a $20,000 account or $200,000 account, and you are smart enough to read my blog, I personally have made you thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars.  Regardless of how small you might be, I have still likely made you thousands of dollars!

Listen, if I have been giving you this much for FREE, just image what my subscribers are getting in my Billionaire’s Portfolio service.

Well, I don’t want to leave anything to your imagination.  I will tell you.

I have subscribers that have made $30,000, even $100,000, in my paid service.  That’s a pretty nice trade, right?  They pay me $297 a quarter, and I help them actually make money – a lot of it.   For those that have modest investment accounts of $5,000.  I’ve made them over $1,000.

So that’s the story.  I can lead the horse to water, but I can’t make him drink.

For some of you, I have to resort to using the carrot.  Here’s my carrot:

Subscribe to my Billionaire’s Portfolio service.  You can do so by clicking here.  When you do, I’ll send you my juicy new trade that I’m betting will return 500% or more by August.  Not only do I have a record of capitalizing on trades like this, but I’ve shown you time and time again in this blog.  How is that for credibility?

Will Meade

President, The Billionaires Portfolio


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