June 2, 2017, 3:30pm EST Invest Alongside Billionaires For $297/Qtr
![]() This has all put consumers in as healthy a position as they’ve been in a long time. As I’ve said, the two key tools the Fed used to engineer a recovery was housing and stocks. That restores wealth, which restores confidence, which gets people spending, hiring and investing again. So stocks are at record highs. And housing (as you can see in the chart below) continues to climb back toward pre-crisis levels. As a result, we have well recovered and surpassed pre-crisis levels in household net worth, and sit at record highs … What is the key long-term driver of economic growth over time? Credit creation. In the next chart, you can see the sharp recovery in consumer credit (in orange) since the depths of the economic crisis. This excludes mortgages. And you can see how closely GDP (the purple line, economic output) tracks credit growth. So credit is back on track. Meanwhile, consumers have never been so credit worthy. FICO scores in the U.S. have reached all-time highs. With all of this said, the consumer looks strong, but the big missing link and structural drag on the economy in this story has been wage growth. What’s the solution? A corporate tax cut. The biggest winners in a corporate tax cut are workers. The Tax Foundation thinks a cut in the corporate tax rate would double the current annual change in wages. So think about this backdrop. If I told you at any point in history that these were the conditions, you would probably tell me that the economy was already in, or will be in, an economic boom period. I think it’s coming. And it will drive earnings significantly, which will make the valuation on stocks cheap. What stocks are cheap? Join me today to find out what stocks I’m buying in my Billionaire’s Portfolio. It’s risk-free. If for any reason you find it doesn’t suit you, just email me within 30-days. |