Want to Know What my Billionaire Hedge Fund Friends are saying about Apple, Gold …?


As everyone knows who reads this blog, I use my exclusive database, research and network of contacts to find out what stocks these top billionaire investors and hedge funds are buying and selling.

I have received a lot of emails lately asking me why this is so important.  And secondly, I’m asked how I built this extensive network of contacts at the top of the world’s investment industry?

Okay, so first … Why is this information important/why should you follow the lead of some the world’s top hedge funds?   It’s a simple answer:  they are almost always right and they have long records of generating huge returns.  That’s good enough for me.

To put this in perspective, the top 1% of all hedge funds, in terms of performance, have averaged 43% a year over the last 13 years.  Let me say that again … my database of the top 1% of all hedge funds in the world, show returns that have averaged a combined 43% a year over the last 13 years.  A $20,000 account at 43% a year would be worth over $2 million dollars today!

Next … so how did I build up this extensive database, research process, and network of contacts, to know the holdings at the world’s top hedge funds? Through my 10 years of experience working for one of the top ranked billion dollar hedge funds (founded by a former Goldman Sachs Partner and Harvard MBA).  Add to that, during my time in academia,  I studied economics and did deep statistical studies on hedge fund returns at some of the most prestigious schools in the world, Johns Hopkins University and The University of Chicago.

So with that being said, here’s the takeaway:

First, the information on what the best, richest investors are buying and selling will make you money.  And it will make you money when the stock market is going up and down.  

Secondly, you know who I am.  You know the source of this information.  I started in the hedge fund industry almost 14 years ago, before most people knew what a hedge fund was.  I’m not some journalist who has written articles his whole life or some kid out of college or grad school giving you his opinion without any real world experience. If that’s what your looking for you, back your way out of this website.  It’s not for you.  You can find that all over the web and your favorite financial TV show or rag.  

So this is my friendly reminder about the power of  my niche investing specialty.  My subscription service, The Billionaire’s Portfolio, is the only service of its kind that gives the everyday retail investor access to the trading secrets and stock picks of the world’s best billionaire investors and hedge funds.

There is no other service out there which allows the everyday retail investor to participate in the stock picks of the world’s best billionaire hedge funds.  Why?  Because you typically need a minimum of $10 million to invest with a top billion dollar hedge fund, and hedge funds by law are not allowed to market or give out performance to the public.  You have to be an accredited investor (which means you have to be rich).

My company, Pure Alpha Research, recommends hedge funds to family offices, funds of funds, endowments and super high net worth people.

If you’re worth more than $5 million, give me a call.  If you’re NOT, check out my service for the average guy at billionairesportfolio.com.

Will Meade

Editor of the Billionaires Portfolio


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