I told you the power of Statistics as I predicted the 3 biggest Upsets in the NCAA tournament now my predictions for $SPX, $GLD, $TLT


I predicted on this blog (see post from 3/19/2013) that Florida Gulf Coast would upset Georgetown, Iowa State would upset Notre Dame, and Mississippi would upset the Badgers. It all came true and my bracket on Yahoo sports was in the Top 1% of all brackets (over 8 million people).

I told you this wasn’t luck it was just using predictive analysis and modeling. Remember I was educated in economics and statistics at two of most prestigious universities in the World, The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Chicago.

I am telling you this because I am about to make some of the biggest and boldest predictions of anyone in the Investing World.

My quantitative and statistical models are signaling some amazing things, that will impact your portfolio in a massive way. I am talking about huge drastic moves in the stock market ($SPY), ($DIA), ($QQQ), bonds ($TLT) and commodities ($GLD) ($SLV).

If I can pick 3 of the 4 biggest upsets in the NCAA tournament with my models, including the biggest upset ever (FGCU over Georgetown) in the history of college basketball through my statistical models, imagine how powerful the signals are from my investing models, in which I have spend my entire career and education perfecting.

I promise that if you do not position your portfolio properly in the next few weeks you could lose 20% to 30% of your net worth very quickly.

All you have to do is sign up for my service The Billionaires Portfolio, and I will tell you how the world’s smartest Billionaire Investors and Hedge Funds are investing plus you also get access to my predictive quantitative models, all of this for the only $299 a quarter. Remember I charge my institutional investors over $1000 a quarter for my exclusive research.

Please for the sake of your portfolio or retiremement at least go to www.billionairesportfolio.com and sign up for our free text alerts. Its the only real time text alert service that signals you whenever a Billionaire Investor buys 5% or more of a stock. Its its completely free. www.billionairesportfolio.com

Will Meade
Editor of the Billionaires Portfolio

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