Billionaires Smart Money Trade: Leveraged ETF’s Long ($EDZ) ($EEM)


There is a great trading setup that is occurring in Emerging Markets right now. As everyone knows there has been a lot of turmoil overseas with Cyprus, and many of the worlds biggest Instiutions and Hedge Funds are starting to scale back their international and emerging markets exposure because of this. Also the U.S. Dollar has been very strong, and is in the middle of a secular long term bull market, and emerging markets stocks therfore have become very unattractive because of the strong dollar.

So I am looking to short Emerging Markets Stocks, ($EEM) is the most popular emerging markets ETF, but as I told you the Billionaires secret is using leverage: so I am going to go short Emerging Markets Stocks by using the Direxion Daily 3x Short Emerging Markets ETF($EDZ). This gives me leverage at 3X or 300%. Look at the chart below, and you will see that $EDZ, the Direxion Daily 3X leveraged ETF has broken a huge 9 month trend line, and is poised to increase 30% to 50% in the next couple of months, as money starts to pour out of Emerging Market Stocks, which will eventually push this short Emerging Markets ETF much higher.

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