Dont Buy Apple ($AAPL) instead make 400% in this biotech stock that could cure the flu


The Billionaires Portfolio will be releasing its newest pick this Wednesday, and I promise that you don’t want miss it. This could be the biggest potential winner I have ever recommended in The Billionaires portfolio.

Here are the details, one of my good friends that works for a top hedge fund, told me that his hedge fund has invested nearly 10% of its entire assets into a little known biotech stock.

Why, well his boss the manager of this Hedge Fund, who by the way happens to hold a PHD From Harvard , believes this company has developed a groundbreaking new drug that will cure most strains of the common cold and flu. As everyone knows this has been one of the worst cold and flu seasons in over 100 years, so you have to believe that everyone including the FDA is going to want to approve a drug that can treat the flu effectively.

Furthermore this hedge fund is never wrong, this Hedge Fund has averaged 36% a year since 2002, with only one down year. If you would have put $10,000 into this hedge fund when it first started in 2002 you would have nearly $150,000 today. This compares to a 4% annualized average return in the S&P 500 turning $10,000 into a meager $15,000 today.

Even better we are going to be able to buy this stock at a cheaper price than what this superstar Harvard PHD paid for his nearly 10% position in this stock. So please dont miss out on this lucrative stock pick, this biotech stock has the potential to gain 400% in price (according to one top wall street analyst) which would completely pay for your subscription even with just a $100 investment.

Please go to www.billionairesportfolio.com and click on the order now tab, before the news gets out on this stock.

Will Meade
Editor of the Billionaires Portfolio

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