Only buy Apple ($AAPL) when

As everyone knows I have been warning people about trying to bottom fish on Apple ($AAPL), too many people have lost their hard earned money trying to bottom tick this stock.

Regardless of David Einhorn’s lawsuit, Apple is not a buy until it breaks the downward trend channel it is in..

Bottom Line. How many analysts from Gene Munster to Goldman Sachs have told you to buy Apple ($AAPL) that technical analysis or momentum doesn’t matter, yet the stock continues to tick down. I promise you none of the Billionaires Investors I follow are buying or have purchased Apple, almost all of them sold Apple last quarter. This stock is not going to magically go up and more importantly you are missing other opportunities in the market. My service the Billionaires Portfolio has produced two stocks that have gained a 100% or more.

To subscribe to The Billionaires Portfolio https://www.fxtraderprofessional.com/order/billionaireport/

By the way the best piece of investing advice I ever heard is never buy a stock in a downtrend. Enough said!!!!

Will Meade

Editor of The Billionaires Portfolio

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